Audit Exam

  • This topic has 19 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #176426

    Hey guys, I was just wondering about some of your exam experiences.. I just walked out of the exam a few hours ago and thought it went really well.. I didn’t see the length of the questions get much wordier, but I thought the topics did get more difficult. I also had a significant amount of time left at the end of the exam when I finished my sims.. I felt very well prepared going into the exam.. Let me know if any of you have had similar experience and what the result was. Thanks..

    FAR - 84
    AUD - 93
    REG - 76

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  • #403856

    I took AUD 1/26 and I thought I nailed it. Expected a score in the upper 80's nailed it. And ended up with a 76.

    Looking back I shouldn't have been surprised because I only studied for 2 weeks (failed FAR with a 74 so my retake messed up my AUD study plan) and it was during busy season, but I was almost disappointed when I saw my score. And then I realized it didn't matter because I had passed.

    You just can never tell.


    Anything on the question progression, I know when I passed FAR the 2nd testlet was much more difficult.. I honestly thought the exam wasn't too bad, except for a sim on ____ that I had to go through the literature for..

    **Edited by moderator to remove topic

    FAR - 84
    AUD - 93
    REG - 76


    Just curious, which course/materials did you use for studying purposes?

    AUD: Passed
    BEC: Passed
    REG: Studying


    I don't give much weight to how the progression of the test feels. Especially with the lack of calculations in the AUD exam. Yes I flagged a few more in the 2nd testlet than the 1st, and a few more in the 3rd than the 2nd, but there's no way to know if it was because it was getting more difficult, or if it was just topics I didn't know as well.


    I used Becker and the Becker Final Review.. I think the final review this is clutch because it gives you a one over right before the exam.. I save it for the last 2/3 days before the exam.. Sorry about the details on the prev post, I forgot the rules..

    FAR - 84
    AUD - 93
    REG - 76


    I had a somewhat similar experience with audit and felt like there was differentiation of the difficulty within each testlet rather than between them (using wordiness as the measure because using subject matter to determine difficulty is very subjective). I don't have my score yet , but I felt very good and had been scoring in the high 80's or low 90's in Wiley test bank exams before hand so we will see. This is my first exam so I have no frame of reference. I will say my first testlet took 20 mins and the second took 35 mins, so maybe it was more difficult and I just didn't notice it.

    AUD - 2/2013 - Passed!
    BEC - 5/2013 - Passed!
    FAR - 8/2013 - Passed!
    REG - 11/2013 - Passed!
    "Do or do not, there is no try." - Yoda


    So you probably had a bunch of time left at the end of the exam right?

    FAR - 84
    AUD - 93
    REG - 76


    I left the exam very confident. The MC seemed very easy overall. However, now I'm wondering if I was working too quickly and missing tricks. (I got through each MC testlet in about 30 minutes). Looking back… is anyone else worried that they didn't read the questions thoroughly enough?

    REG- 91
    AUD- 97
    BEC- 91
    FAR- May


    I honestly wouldn't worry about the fact that you believe the testlets didn't change in difficulty. I felt the same way, with my whole test seeming to consist of one sentence questions and no testlet more difficult than the last. I also double checked all my answers to the MCQ, used AL for the simulations, and double checked them. I think I left with 40 minutes on the clock. I worried about my score for the reasons I just listed. Well, I ended up getting a 99. Bottom line is that if you took it seriously and you prepared well then you probably passed, and most likely got a great score as that seems to be a trend with AUD. Good luck guys.


    @Soxfan, awesome, AUD=99, good job!

    Becker Class of Jan - Aug 2013: FARB DONE!!!!
    CPA license pending 🙂


    Thank guys, I am pretty sure I did fine I was just worried a bit. I am used to the Becker questions and they were all significantly harder then what I experienced on the exam. Audit is just weird because I bet most of you guy are like me and took one class on the topic. I'll let you all know how it turned out once i get my score back.. Not looking forward to Reg at all though..

    FAR - 84
    AUD - 93
    REG - 76


    @gbeste, I felt the exam was not too bad, although, if I had to judge, I would say my MCQs went Easy-Hard-Easy. I actually feel pretty good about the sims for once (Thank you so much, AL).

    Starting REG tomorrow…..bleh.


    I wondered how the questions work. I am getting into A3 of the Becker material, and I think I'm more frustrated with this than I was FAR. I am a computational guy, and all of these question are conceptual. The questions are also very tricky in Becker, at least to me they are. The answers are really hard to spot at times as all of them are very similar. I can usually reduce it to two solid answers, but sometimes it's a guessing game after that. How are people's experience on Becker for Audit? I hover right around 80% the first time through the homework, but I am still not very confident. I feel like I am getting lucky at a lot of my answers. These conceptual items are just really difficult at times. I'm hoping the exam is somewhat toned back on that, but I won't expect it. Just the way they word questions, it definitely makes you think harder. I don't feel like the answers are as cut and dry as they were for FAR.


    I felt like I got kicked in the gut by my AUD exam, and I wound up with a 96. The REG exam I took this week actually seemed easier than the AUD one, so I've no idea what that means!

    I've come to the conclusion that you just have to wait for your score to come out – with all the pretest questions I think it's just really hard to tell how you did.


    @Kctiger – if you are getting 80% the first time through the homework, you're doing fine. First time through the homework, I got in the 60s/70s except on A-4 which I got in the 50s. I felt the same way as you with the lack of computational questions, but it just took studying my flashcards and doing nonstop MCQs in my review. I did about twenty 100Q progress tests the last few days before my exam and that really helped me identify my weaker areas and hone in on that. I'm waiting for my score still from AUD, but it sounds like you're doing fine. I felt totally prepared for AUD and I'm pretty sure I recognized a few multiple choice questions on my exam from Becker.

    F - 85 (11/2012)
    R - 87 (1/2013)
    A - 92 (2/2013)
    B - 90 (4/2013)


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