AUD Sims Question – Exam in 2 days!!

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  • #1611821

    Hey Pals – I was wondering if both the SAS & PCAOB AS Authoritative Literature will be included within the DRS simulations…I would prefer to research the reports rather than memorize the wording of the reports.

    Also, any suggestions as to a particular aspect of FAR that I should review? I have yet to study FAR and i’m concerned about FAR material revealing it’s ugly head


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  • #1611828

    As far as FAR goes (pun intended), I think the biggest crossover between AUD and FAR is journal entries, because in AUD you might have to suggest an audit adjustment to an incorrect entry posted.

    I would try to get a grasp on the different types of journal entries that could be asked.

    Good luck!


    thanks! I'll brush up, any insight on the Authoritative Literature's accessibility with the SIMS? Pretty sure the exact wording of reports is hiding in there.


    @Andrew808 Yes you'll have access to the authoritative literature so if you get a DRS with a drop down of a report you can go there to get the correct wording (and this is a good tip).

    Let us know how the test goes! I'm taking it next week. Feeling good about it and glad I've taken FAR so I'm brushed up on most of the things they'll throw at us (I hope).


    @CoachEmUp hell yeah! thanks for confirming. would you have any last second tips for me regarding AUD?

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