AUD Score - Page 2

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  • #179835

    Hey everyone, been a longtime follower first-time poster.

    Was wondering – has anyone ever scored Stronger in all MCQ areas and Weaker in SIMS and still not pass? Did not think this was possible until I just checked my score. AUD 74 (depressing) with all MCQ areas stronger and SIMS weaker.

    I am VERY disappointed. Has this ever happened to anyone else?

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  • #435469

    @nishvik You're so close! You'll get it next time for sure. Sounds like I should think about adding the Wiley test bank for my REG studies…


    Yes atleast it helped me,it had mcq's like becker but also some new MCQ's which were not on becker.

    Also check on Wiley website or call them to see if they have discounts because sometimes they do and also you can buy from another71 website check your options 🙂

    I am sure you will clear REG with lots of practice ..Good Luck

    FAR- 79 -->Becker self study, Final review & Flashcards
    REG -72-->Becker ,76-->Becker plus Wiley test bank
    AUD- 73 Becker,72-->Becker+Wiley,69-->Added ninja notes,89 --> Added Gleim review
    BEC- 84 Becker plus Wiley Test bank

    I am Done !!!!


    hey guys got my score report it shows i was comparable on SIMS but weaker on MCQS. Where as i thought the opossitte any ideas how to tackle this as i'm planning to re take AUD in OCT and hoping to finish it once and for all


    Not surprised with my 66. I would have bet on lower, but I was not confident that I knew all of the material. Supplements to Becker would have been very helpful for AUD. I am going with the NINJA audio and notes for Reg & Far. BEC is already done & over… waiting on score. Rematch with AUD in early 2014!

    AUD (7/31/13) 66... Retake (11/27/13) 90 & DONE!
    BEC (8/28/13) 85
    REG (10/4/13) 86
    FAR (11/6/13) 79

    Yeah... We're putting new cover letters on all our TPS reports ...Did you get that memo?

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