AUD Q2 Prep Tips?

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  • #1434561

    Hey guys,

    I will be taking AUD some time in Q2. This is my first section and my first attempt. I’m really worried because I almost failed my auditing class in undergrad. While I understood the general concepts, I just couldn’t retain everything to answer MCQs. I had better luck with free response questions and problem solving, but I guess that wasn’t enough to pull my grade up…

    So I’m going to knock this section out first to make sure I pass before moving on to the other three. Since I have no plans to go into auditing as a career, I’d like to just learn enough to pass the test. Does anyone have any tips on a strategy, considering the upcoming exam changes? I have Becker, but what else could I use to supplement that?


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  • Author
  • #1434596

    Krickerfor: I think it would be hard for anyone in here to give you advice on Q2 exam since none of us have taken the new format. Since I am currently studying for AUD and planning to take it next Wednesday, the only advice I can give is to make sure you read everything carefully when studying. Doing the multiple choice questions is not enough. I think if AUD is your weakness, than you probably have to read through the book and take pretty darn good notes. The examiner does not care if you make a career out of audit, they expect you to know as much as the guy who is. There's really no short cut to AUD as far as i could tell.


    You're right. I guess I was just wondering what are some other comprehensive study aids that are updated for the new test, that I could use in addition to Becker. I need all the help I can get.

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