AUD > New Exam Software > Experience

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  • #1773238

    Hello All!

    I’m currently preparing for AUD in May and need more current experiences. I’ve read up on posts but feel so though they are outdated and need opinions on the new CPA software, how your experience was, how it compares to the older version, etc.

    This would be (hopefully) my last exam and I’m super nervous! I just finished the book and will be reviewing the book for a second time soon. I know where my weaknesses are and will try to focus on those.


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  • #1773538

    I took AUD yesterday and was pleasantly surprised. I use Becker to study and they rolled out a new study format for the simulations that was exactly like the test. I didn't use the Excel spreadsheet at all – I am a muscle memory person and prefer the scratch paper and the calculator.

    The calculator was new and fancy looking but worked just the same. For larger numbers it had comma separators (I don't remember if the old one had this or not) – it sounds like a small thing but it was actually really nice so it was easy to see if I mis-typed a digit in my calculations or whatever!

    The rest of the simulations it was really nice to be able to look at exhibits and the authoritative literature side by side. I was kind of annoyed when I first heard about this but it was actually really nice. I still wish it wasn't causing the score release delay though!

    I had some anxiety about the 23 inch monitor requirements because my Prometric center had REALLY old computers. I called about a month ago and was told they weren't accommodating that requirement. I called Prometric's 1-800 number and they said they couldn't do anything about it. I called NASBA and they said that yes ALL testing centers were required to upgrade. And they did have the 23 inch monitors which made it really nice and took anxiety off when I saw that because I don't have a 23 inch monitor to study from at home and it requires some tweaking when doing the Becker simulations to make them look right visually.

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