AUD Experience Q1 2-1-19

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  • #2197933

    I took AUD on Feb 1st and felt that test was harder than FAR. I won’t know until I get both scores back if that’s true. Get FAR back on Tuesday (2-5-19) and AUD on Tuesday (2-26-19).

    The first MC Test was a little harder than I’d expected. Then I got to the second one and it was easy, so guess I did bad on first. The Sims were something else… I didn’t understand some of them but did complete it and finished a little early.

    Now I’m going to study BEC which seems like a little bit of FAR and AUD but more in depth on certain topics.

    If anyone else took it please add a comment below!



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  • #2200795

    What did the exam focus on? and can you explain why the SIMs were so hard?


    I took it last week. I thought the first MCQ set was pretty difficult and the second seemed about the same but maybe a little easier. Sounds like we are in the same boat.

    For the SIMs, I was actually surprised by how easy some of them were. I know I definitely got the authoritative lit question right along with a couple other sims. The last testlet of SIMs was pretty difficult but I still feel I did at least ok on them. I'm hoping I did well enough on the SIMs to make up for what I expect was poor MCQ performance. We will see what my score is but I felt that doing 3,000 NINJA MCQs didn't prepare me. I did pass both Wiley practice exams though so I'm hoping I just did better than I thought.

    I'm also studying for BEC now too. I started on Sunday and my test is March 9th. I'm leaving the 8 days prior in March to cram so I somehow have to get all the Wiley lectures done this month. I have to spend at least 5 hours every day while working full time. I'm going to have no life this month.


    I took AUD in January, just got my score back with a 54 🙁

    I felt the MCQ's were definitely harder and worded differently than anything I've seen in Roger and Ninja. The SIMS were on par for what I've seen before but I remember being very distraught over how the MCQ's were harder than what the materials prepared me for.


    I found Ninja way harder than the exam. I don't get my score back until 2/26 but am fairly confident. I would suggest you use Gleim and supplement with Ninja. Gleim has a reputation for being harder than the actual exam which is what you want. I like their practice test and Sims better too.

    AUD - 10/21/16 (75----07/2010 expired)
    FAR - 10/28/16
    BEC - 11/2016
    REG - 01/2017

    Using Gleim CPA Review, Ninja Audio, Ninja Book


    I guess I'm not good at test. Did horrible on FAR ;_; haha. Pretty sure did bad on AUD. I'm taking night classes and getting behind so gonna use my time wisely and working more hours this year. The Sims did focus mostly on the reports and calculating percentages.. but I barely had time to practice Sims. However, I will be using Ninja for BEC.. someone at my job told me about this site and using the material. I won Wiley in undergrad so gonna stick with them.


    @Animalwithin I agree it was worded way differently. It wasn't until I got to the second testlet that I realized one word was throwing me off haha. Good luck on your journey ^_^.

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