AUD experience – 11/14

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  • #1662812

    Overall, I felt like I had a positive AUD experience, taking it for the second time. The second time being after FAR which was lucky.

    I felt the MCQs were all over the place. Like half from the first testlet were straight forward and a joke, and half were pretty freakin hard. The second testlet was harder, but still doable.

    Apart from one of the SIMS, I thought they weren’t so bad. I had approximately 2:15 after the MCQs, maybe 1:40 after the 4th testlet, and a full hour going into the final testlet. I feel that I was lucky to have had 2 research sims in the 4th testlet, which allowed me more time on the final testlet, greatly needed since that one sim I did not understand took much more time.

    My opinion on the sims:
    I strangely liked most of them. Yes, 3 of them had 5+ resources to read from. However, Unlike FAR, these were easier to digest and relatable to the task at hand. For one sim, each individual resource pertained to one row entry ONLY. so it was basically going back and forth and applying the correct response based on the situation. for 2 of them, I had to develop an understanding of the case study, then tackled the resources and sims.

    Here is a strategy I used:
    -When you begin a sim that has a case study and resources… TAKE NOTES on the note board with sharpie. I noted the auditor and client at top, What the case was in like 5 words, and what the purpose of each column entry was… like if it was a yes/no, reason, alternative procedure, etc. It was like a brain dump that you would do before you start the test, but for each sim instead.

    I had one document review. Surprisingly, it only had ONE resource, and it was quite easy since I was pretty well in the area it pertained to. I grew a fondness and hope for Document reviews after having 3 of them in my FAR exam, and simply being more comfortable with how they operate.

    Back to the idea of taking notes for sims:
    it helps because instead of memorizing everything, you will jot down the key things to remember. The names are just annoying so its nice to note the name of AUdit firm and Client. Note the purpose of each response column. Note materiality amounts if any. I even wrote my feelings for one of the sims… “MAJOR ASS BACK AND FORTH”

    I got my note cards replaced during my break after I realized how useful they would be after the first 2 sims.

    personal thought going out: I was really happy I did extensive review of A4 in Becker, because that was the most important chapter regarding sims in my opinion. The other chapters played a role too, but A4 more than any other for sure.

    I was not confident about any of the other CPA exams I took coming out. I am confident about this one, happy to report. Good luck to everyone else!

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  • #1662826

    @Parthamis: Glad to note that you had a positive experience. Great idea taking notes of sim details. So wish I had done that during my recent BEC exam. Looks like a wrap for you. Good Luck!

    FAR - < than 75, 10/2013, 2/2015
    BEC - < than 75, 10/2013
    AUD - < than 75, 8/2015, 1/2016

    ~ Winners fail until they succeed. Losers quit when they fail. - Robert Kiyosaki
    ~ I survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me.
    ~ Something will grow from all you are going through. And it will be YOU.
    ~ Right now you may not be where you intend to be, but it's where you need to be in order to get where you want to go.


    Thanks for the advice!

    I will be taking audit again in a couple of days after getting two 70s on it. Any other tips on preparing for the sims? Were they harder than your first attempt?


    Sounds like you had a good experience Parthamis, good stuff!

    Regarding SIM prep., I've only taken one exam (FAR) and I came away with the notion that the best method for SIMs is 1) blast the MCQs as quickly as possible and 2) do some DRS for practice to get a handle on it, as the ones on my exam were similar to the ones in the review course so there were no surprises in that sense (other than amount of documents).

    @ Sallycpa good luck on your test! I'm up in just under 3 weeks


    @SallyCPA I felt like they were easier this time. But in reality I think I was just more prepared this second time, so it seemed easier.

    If some of you would like some insight on FAR sims, I made another post a while back:


    Did you have any FAR like sims on audit this time?


    I read about how people had FAR sims, I don't believe I did though. There are some FAR elements in sims where it helps to know FAR, but overall no.


    @Parthamis: Thanks for the link. Sincerely appreciate it. I got a really long sim with lot of resources in my BEC attempt & got really tired going through all the elaborate information. Should have calmed down & just focused.

    FAR - < than 75, 10/2013, 2/2015
    BEC - < than 75, 10/2013
    AUD - < than 75, 8/2015, 1/2016

    ~ Winners fail until they succeed. Losers quit when they fail. - Robert Kiyosaki
    ~ I survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me.
    ~ Something will grow from all you are going through. And it will be YOU.
    ~ Right now you may not be where you intend to be, but it's where you need to be in order to get where you want to go.


    okay, I just got my score back… 75! I should be happy that I passed, but still. I really did feel quite amazing about this test that this is a tad disappointing. i have an interview scheduled for Wednesday, and I was hoping to brag about a score in the 80s, but whatever.

    LinkedIn mock post:

    I am happy to announce that I just passed the final part of the CPA exam. It is a bittersweet moment. I believe it is fair to say based on my past, there were many that doubted I would ever get it done. I did not believe it myself. I passed BEC… still had no faith in myself. I passed REG… still had no faith in myself. I passed FAR… okay I finally have faith in myself. Shout out to Tim Garety and Peter Olinto! You two are an iconic duo.

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