AUD: Exam was way easier than I thought, do I get curved down?

  • This topic has 23 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #1610003

    I took audit on 8/21 and it was my last exam. Double checked every single MC and Sim, still have 30 minutes left. MC are easy, and Sims are easy too. I got 3 FAR questions and 2 DRS. I am afraid that because my testlets were easy, I have to get a way higher accuracy on them, so I get curved down.

    Will I pass??

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  • #1610010

    I took AUD yesterday and felt the same, I finished with about 80 minutes left, and that was after i double checked each MC and triple checked each sim.

    I guess I saved some time because i had 2 research questions which sucks, but i found those pretty easy.

    i messed up one sim because of an oversight issue on my part of issuer vs non-issuer, but overall i thought the test was much easier than the last time i took it.

    good luck with your score.

    REG: 74/76
    FAR: 75
    AUD: Early April 2016
    REG: Late April/Early May 2016.


    Are we in a disadvantage because the problems were easier?
    Good luck with your score too!


    That was my same experience with AUD last month. I felt as if there MCQs were at worst “mildly challenging”. I don't recall much of the SIMS, but they were definitely reasonable and nothing out of left field. I felt just as good about AUD as I did for FAR. Hopefully, I get the same results come next month's score release.


    If you thought it was easy….then you should have passed….


    Either you aced it or you fell for every trap in the book and there is no such thing as a curved down fyi.


    Exactly what @Anthony said. Either you aced it or fell for every trap planted in the AUD exam. Hopefully u aced it!



    My AUD experience was similar. I thought the first testlet went very well. The second testlet less so, but still decent. I don't remember my sims well, but I remember thinking they went well too. I walked out feeling very good and may have even high-fived the people at Prometric on the way out. Not really, but I thought scoring in the high 80's and maybe even above 90 was a real possibility. It was very hard during the wait for score release to hold onto some degree of pessimism so I'd be prepared for a fail. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I passed, but the 77, considering how I *thought* the test went, was a little disappointing. Maybe I fell for the AUD traps that @Blue Collar Nerd mentioned. Not sure, I just know I was doing well with my practice MCQs (better than BEC & FAR for sure), so I hoped my actual result would be similar. In the end, with these tests, you can never tell. Just hope for the best.

    Good luck!


    I'm not the only person to feel this way!
    I took AUD on 7/1/17 and felt exactly the same. I have no audit experience so this subject is hardest subject for me. I just hope new test format can help me pass it!


    Same experience here…we will see what happens


    Thank you for sharing your experience! I just hope I was not overconfident and still pass!


    Hope you pass! @seju52179 @murd


    I just posted this exact thing in another feed. I had an hour and 20 minutes left in the clock, and I thought the questions would have been a lot harder. I have no idea how I did though, because Audit is my weaker subject.


    For all those worrying about AUD, please don't. It probably went very well if you felt like this.

    From my own experience, I took AUD back on 5/31, and just got the score back this past week…and, I was far from disappointed! I work at a Big 4 accounting firm, working decent hours even during the summer. I had to take vacation in order to study for AUD and REG (i'll leave my REG story for another post). I only took four days vacation, studied for a total of 6 days, and didn't review nor take the Becker practice exam.

    On the day of the exam, I went in like usual, very nervous. Sat down and crushed the first MC testlet in 15 minutes flat, reviewing and all. From there, it just moved like I couldn't believe. Got out with 1.5 hours left of the clock, and reviewed every question. Ended up passing with an 88, with the exact same feeling as the rest of you. It may seem hard to believe that you may have passed, but if my experience holds true, I think most of you will come out with a strong pass!

    Good luck with the wait for these scores; at least it's only about a month…haha. All the best!

    FAR TBD (8/02/2016)
    BEC --
    AUD --
    REG --

    shawn in VA

    This thread and the the thread about “I miss studying for the CPA exam” must be the most ridiculous postings I have seen in this forum ever. Why in the world would you get “curved down” ? It is clear you had a good grasp on the material, thought it was easy, and most likely passed. Why do people especially people in finance and accounting OVER ANALYZE every little thing such as what they are going to eat, etc. Just go with the flow. I could never be married to a CPA or an accountant. So many TYPE A's.

    With the SIMS now 50 percent and even if you get a second MCQ testlet that is “easy” you at least have a shot b/c the sims are weighed more. Not saying you can miss all the MCQs and still pass, but some do better on SIMS.


    InB4 @BrickellCPA hijacks this thread 🙂

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