Sounds like you are ready to go. Now, in case you have a similar AUD exam that I took last August 22, 2017, try briefly reviewing the following:
– Practice all your latest AICPA Released questions, check even the incorrect ones.
– Make sure to visit AICPA's website for Sample test.
– Be comfortable with analytical procedures (i.e ratio analysis). Yes, number crunching in Audit Section.
– Also be familiar with FS reconciliation, analysis, JEs and other related substantive testing. Yes, you might see numbers on them and even use your calculator. Don't be surprised if you don't see any DRS.
– Don't spend more than 10-15 minutes on Research Questions.
– Be comfortable with audit procedures.
It's doable as to time management. You'll finish on time, at 45/45/30/60/60 mins split with all 5 testlets respectively.
That's about it. I can't add anymore, having in mind the fear of being disciplined, and in trouble with AICPA's policy of ‘divulging nature' of CPA exam, except of what our service provider's are generally advising out there. I hope this helps. You're really close.
Even finishing my Q3 AUD on time, I still consider it as '50/50′, meaning ‘pass or fail'. Yes, '75' is the ‘magic number'. Not a 71, 72, 73 or even 74.
Good luck. Wishing you the best.