AUD Exam Q3 – Time Management?

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  • #1887904

    For those that have taken the AUD section this year and passed, what was your time strategy like during the exam? From what I have seen in other parts of this forum, the sims appear to be long and drawn out like FAR with a stupid amount of documents to click through and sort out. Is 2 hours enough or do I need more, like 2.5 hours? Which leaves me 1.5 hours to blow through the MCQs….. What are your thoughts?

    FAR - 7/31/14
    AUG - ???
    REG - ???
    BEC - ???

    "These are the precincts of pain. A goddess lives here. Her name is victory." - Unknown

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  • Author
  • #1888063

    I'm appearing for aud in a few days. I've taken the Becker mock tests for the exam experience. From the 3 tests I've taken this is my conclusion
    Mcq take me 90 mins in total (5-10 mins here and there)
    So I'm left with 2 hours ie around 15 mins per sim
    Some of the sins take literally 3 mins to solve (trust me) while some take longer (15 mins)
    One thing I've learnt.. If the sim has lots of documents to go through it won't really be that difficult while the smaller ones are usually difficult. Just make sure to take enough time to read and understand the questions since while reviewing answers I realised I got many wrong just because I didn't get what the question was asking.


    Thanks for the input Kayzee, I'll definitely try and allocate at least 2 hours for SIMS, wish you luck on AUD! I plan on scheduling mine towards the end of August.

    FAR - 7/31/14
    AUG - ???
    REG - ???
    BEC - ???

    "These are the precincts of pain. A goddess lives here. Her name is victory." - Unknown


    @Mike I took AUD earlier this month. Two hours is plenty of time for the sims.


    I took AUD in June. Finished with 1.5 hours left. Probably could've been faster. You should definitely be fine with 2 hours for SIMs.


    Awesome, thanks for chiming in @EL @AF.

    FAR - 7/31/14
    AUG - ???
    REG - ???
    BEC - ???

    "These are the precincts of pain. A goddess lives here. Her name is victory." - Unknown


    Used this as a benchmark heading in

    45 / 45 / 30 / 60 / 60

    Finished with 1-1.5 hours remaining


    Update : comparing real exam vs Becker mock

    Completed all Becker mocks with 1-1.5 hrs left but completed real only with 7 mins left. Ofcource I went about a little bit slow with the mcq in the real but still finished both test lest in 90 mins. Sims however took me 15-20 mins each. Mine required to understand the question deeply so I had to read them a few times to know exactly what was to be done.
    Overall Sims are based simply on your judgement (which answer is the BEST answer) and nothing on them was a direct reference to the books (for me)

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