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  • #1794280

    Hi Friends,

    So AUD would potentially be my last exam… however, losing so much motivation and it really is the home strench. I feel like AUD isn’t talked about as much as FAR or REG and really have no idea what to expect. Some people have told me it was the easiest, some told me it was the hardest. I know it depends on each person but just really feeling like I’m going to fail and the worse of the worse is going to come…

    If I fail, I’ll potentially lose BEC in August… and my Becker expires in June before I find out my score. I’ve already submitted a request for tuition waiver… UGH JUST WANT TO LIVE MY LIFE.

    Let me know how AUD was for you!!! and any last minute tips would be great.

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  • #1794370

    I think the issue most people have with Audit is that it's very subjective compared to the other 3. Like most people, I never felt/feel good leaving the exams. I took it in December so I'm a little hazy, but the test was pretty well-rounded in terms of topics covered. Also, remember to keep it moving. I remember breezing through the first 10 or 11 MCQs then got one which I wasn't sure about and definitely wasted time coming back to it before moving on to the second testlet. It's frustrating because usually you can narrow the choices down to the 2 best ones.

    I thought the SIMs were manageable for the most part, but also very subjective (the non-computational ones anyway). I've seen people complain that there are ‘FAR SIMs' on the Audit test but the FAR knowledge I needed for my SIMs was extremely basic and nowhere even remotely close to what was presented on the FAR exam itself.

    Know the differences between reports (non-issuer vs. issuer) and opinions. Also know the different types i.e. audit, examination, review etc.

    Good luck.


    This is great advice above. I would add that if you're doing well on the mcqs in your review program you'll likely do well in the exam mcqs. Also, I think I spent the most amount of time on sims out of any exam. The sims were by far the most random – many I had never practiced in rogers or Becker. They all were very subjective but I tried to select the most logical options, put myself in the shoes of the auditor.


    Gotta agree with you superdude, great advice up top given by SBNY2K17 — ct516, we are in very similar positions. I am also at the homestretch studying for AUD on June 9. It will be my last as I've passed BEC and REG (just took FAR April 30, so will get both test scores June 27). I am also finding it difficult to find the motivation to keep pushing especially since I legit never studied so hard for anything in my life as I just did for FAR. Something that is helping me chug along is seeing the vast difference in breadth of material and overall difficulty in material in AUD compared to FAR. Studying for AUD seems like a breeze.. Just going to knock out the sections doing a few questions here and there, and then plan on doing a full week of non-stop questions accompanying that with Becker's AUD Final Review, which I found was helpful for me in FAR bc it condensed all the information and made streamlined my reviewing about a week out of the exam. Keep on keeping on, you're almost at the finish line.. and if it makes you feel any better, I just moved to Manhattan Beach, CA where I legit live 100 yards to sand.. I see people out and about every single damn day, and I'm cooped up in my room studying Audit Reports.. you're not the only one! Sacrifice now, so that when summer officially kicks in, you'll be able to say you accomplished your life long goal of becoming a CPA! Best of luck to you Monday. Let us know how you did, and what you thought about the exam!!!


    Audit is the test where reading comprehension is beyond critical. When you get in there, make sure to slow down. While taking my exam, I used my dry-erase card and just put A, B, C, D (in a column). I would put an X next to wrong answers. Then eliminate from there. With Audit, it's super easy to eliminate 50% of the answers. Just don't accidentally pick the wrong one as you become fatigued! You've got this!!

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