AUD Exam Experience

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  • #1563730

    Took audit today. I found this section very easy to study for compared to BEC and REG, that was reinforced with the mcq section on the exam. By far the most confident I’ve felt on a mcq section so far, probably only missed between 5-10 questions if I had to guess. I did feel like I got the more difficult second testlet but it’s so hard to tell I think – flagged a bit more in testlet 2 though. The Sims on the other hand, WOW! They were much more difficult than I anticipated. Nothing impossible but there was a lot of subjectivity to some of the responses. I also found myself digging through FAR AL to help me on two separate sims which had me baffled. I feel pretty good about 2 or 3 sims plus the research questions. The others were straight guesses on about 50% of the material. If I had to guess, I think I’ll end up passing but with something modest in the 70s. Or who knows, maybe I’ll get the dreaded 74 but I should have time to retake in the next window after FAR. Hopefully this new ‘curve’ will boost me up over 75 but we shall see! I can say that I find the new exam more difficult, mostly because of how it forces you to better manage your time. Best of luck to the rest of you who tested in this window!

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  • #1563807

    I am in the same boat with you. I felt the mcqs were manageable. but the sims… I had 3 DRS which require some calculations, 1 FAR, and some JE. I think I had pretty much the same confidence with you. I felt pretty good about 3 sims and the research question. 3 other educated guess hopefully get partial credits around 50%.

    Do you think this still be a pass? I'm really anxious of waiting. -_-

    Really hoping for the curve this quarter. 🙂


    Took it 2 weeks ago.

    Moderate Testlet 1
    Easy Testlet 2
    SIMs…not complicated at all really. They were actually kinda fun. I got thru them all with time to spare.

    Research question – totally easy but answered with the wrong set of standards…then realized my mistake. Luckily there was still time on the clock to go back and fix the error.

    In other words….I doubt I passed.

    I'm almost thinking that the pass or fail nowadays is determined within the first testlet. If you don't do well on it, they won't waste your time with difficult questions.
    Slap in the face……but what can you do except get back on your bicycle, study, pay your state board and NASBA, and do it again? 🙂

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