AUD EXAM EXPERIENCE 10/13/2017, 2 Research Sims

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  • #1647571

    Is it guarantee that one of them is pretested? I am secretly hoping it is not. I believe i did decently on the exam.

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  • #1647574

    I took AUD back in July and had 2 research sims as well. I'm pretty sure neither of them were pretest, because one of the other sims was extremely difficult, not covered in any study materials that I saw, and I basically left it blank. I got a 93, which leads me to believe that the pretest was the difficult sim.

    This is a pretty frequent topic of debate though.


    Mine were pretty much straight forward. I finish one sim in about 3 min and other one about 10 min(since that was my last sim question, so i did not hurry). Also on 8 TBS, i believe i guessed on two. I am really hoping i pass this shit as i think AUD is even harder than FAR; So much work like questions.


    Do not necessarily think that the both count but it sounds like you passed…any reccomendations for the sims? Similar to becker at all?


    I took AUD in Sept and also had two research questions. I found the research for AUD A LOT easier than the research for REG. Not sure which were pre-test but walked away with an 86- so I am happy (REG wasn't such a clean getaway but I passed :))

    @ MADHAV – you have got me soooooo nervous! Studying for FAR right now (exam Dec 2). Without disclosing any topic can you explain why you thought FAR was more difficult than AUD? Not that I didn't fear the others but I guess I assumed that FAR would be easiest since I ave been in industry for 10+ years. Sure I know my JEs but the abundance of information is overwhelming. I saved it for last but now I am wondering if that was such a smart idea….


    @PA I found FAR comparably easier because their is less judgement involved but in AUD it is selecting more appropriate answer. I guess every one is different.

    , i think i got easier sim than last time. I had two DRS. It would be helpful if you understand different ratios and differents reasoning behind them, Audit opininons, IC etc.. I want to tell more but cant disclouse more due to rules.


    @Madhav That helps!!! Have you taken audit before this? I failed with a 70 but definitely got the two research questions right so thats what makes me think that one wasn't graded..were most of the sims judgemental? thats what im scared about lol


    Yes and i failed miserably before. I am really hoping to pass this time around. As for the sims, yes 2 or 3 are out of straight work like question which i could not have figure out even if i had to work all alone by a week. I am pretty sure if it was older format, i would have higher chance of passing it. I wish you good luck on your exam.


    I am seriously praying both research questions count!

    I don't think the exam makers want the exam to be easily predictable – “since there is now 2 research in AUD. Automatically one is pretest”. I really do not think that is the case.

    And my research questions consisted of one basic straight to the point and another ambiguous one.

    If both my research questions count, then I have a chance!!


    @Madhav: Sounds like a pass to me!


    @Queen They could be counting it this quarter but I am almost positive I would have passed in Q2 if they had counted both of them because I know I got both right and most of the other sims…




    did becker prepare u well (usual question lol) –> specificially if u used becker then did the new module breakup and the problems in the module videos help 2) were the sims on topics covered in your review course 3) any issues on timing if so why (foreign topics, etc?) 4) anything u wish u reviewed more in review 5) were there any questions like if you did a clients tax return what other services can u / cant u perform? 6) apart from research did u have to consult Authoritative literature a lot?
    hope u passed!

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