Absolutely. Word for word your experience. I took it in November and wrote a whole long post about it. I was absolutely ready. I studied for 4 months. I got INSANE sims, and it was my first section. I almost quit right there. I left feeling very angry. I also had 2 far sims, one that probably resembled your “high/medium/low” one that I was like, “what the heck????” when it came up on my screen, as well as a sim that I had to use the research tab for, and in the research tab it said, “auditing [insert topic here for sake of disclosure] is so difficult that most CPAs will need the use of a specialist in order to audit https://forum.another71.com/forum/aud-cpa-exam/aud-exam-experience/topic/aud-disaster/reply/382258/” and there was very little guidance at all on it. Didn't stop the AICPA from giving me a whole sim on it though. Ridiculous. I absolutely agree it's a money making scheme with no oversight and zero accountability. That doesn't mean I think the only goal of the AICPA is to make money, I just think it's pretty high up on their list, and as the economy tanks I fear it will receive higher priority than turning out knowledgeable CPAs.
Having said all that, I got a pretty decent score, so maybe you will too.
AUD - 88
FAR - 90
REG - 85
BEC - 88