AUD: Another 73???

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  • #1632427

    So I got my score for Q3 for AUD and I got *another* 73. This is getting pretty disheartening, and I don’t know why AUD is such a weak spot for me. All of the other 3 I passed pretty quickly. BEC/REG on the first try, FAR on the second try, and now for AUD I will have to retake AUD for the *fifth* time. Just pretty depressed about that. If only the passing score was 70% haha, I would’ve passed it my first time.

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  • #1632449

    I just got my score back and finally passed it on the fifth try. For real, don't give up. Just understand the material. I hate everything about audits and have a couple on my desk at work right now. Hammer the NINJA MCQs since I seriously think that was my saving grace for this score.

    AUD - 56 - 68 - 61 - 9/8/16
    REG - 75
    FAR - 7/15/16
    BEC - TBD

    Wiley CPAexcel and NINJA 10 Point Combo


    I'm in the same league as you both. Just got my AUD score…71. I'll be going for my fifth try too. I feel like I know this material, just hasn't translated to a passing score yet.

    I'm going to buy Ninja MCQ and write notes on the questions I get wrong. Also doing flashcards. Maybe the AICPA will look fondly on us for giving them over $1k for one section??

    – you say Ninja MCQ saved you…can you elaborate on that a bit? I always do a ton of MCQ too, but can't seem to pass. Very frustrating.

    REG - 79
    FAR - ?
    AUD - ?
    BEC - ?


    Yeah, I've used the Ninja MCQ for most of them and I feel like I know the material well enough but then the exam throws some random questions out of left field and I just barely not pass. I really don't know what to do differently


    You guys may have seen that I posted this on a different thread, but I just passed AUD with an 83. It was my third time; the first time I got a 69, second time I got a 73.

    After studying for the second time, I felt I knew the material but was just barely confused enough to fail by 2 points. I bought the Ninja MCQ's. With my previous attempts I had done so many Wiley questions that I was starting to just remember the answers without really understanding why they were correct. I also think I was getting bogged down in detailed stuff that is rarely, if ever, tested. The ninja material really helped me get a “big picture” knowledge of the overall material. I strongly believe Ninja is the reason I passed. I did around 1200 Ninja questions, trending score of 86%.

    AUD was my hardest section. You guys will get this!


    @Chandler: Whats your email please, I have a quick question concerning AUD. Failed in Q2 with a 67 and retaking soon.


    But see, I had Ninja MCQ for 3 out of my 4 tests and I was trending high 80s in this lsat time and I've gone through pretty much all the questions and all the tbs as well. I've used Roger, Ninja MCQ, Ninja Notes, and Ninja Audio. I don't know if I should just keep on plugging on or if I need new study materials.


    @jpanda Curious, what did you do differently to get the pass? Or did you just continue with Ninja?


    I used Roger to study AUD, failed twice. The third time, I changed the study material to Wiley. It worked.


    I had to use GLEIM TEST BANK before I passed it in fifth try. For prior four tests, I used Roger(Practices all MCQS and Sims and could remember the questions) and practiced all mCQs from NINJA. GLEIM gave different perspective on audit and I was able to pass.

    Biff Tannen

    Audit was tricky AF, and this is coming from an experienced big 4 auditor. My best recommendation is to truly understand what each question is asking. If you truly understand the subject than you can eliminate 2 answer choices that are incorrect, then it boils down to 2 answer choices. Choose the most correct answer choice. It’s literally a process of elimination approach, but it worked for me


    My best advice for Audit is to focus heavily on compilations, reviews, interim work, etc just as much as you focus on the reports, risks, and controls

    Took Audit two times, 72 on the first and 76 on the second…there were enough compilation/review questions to make up an entire testlet


    GetThisCPA94 – Congratulations on passing Audit and Reg. I got my score back and got a 69 on my first try for Audit. Painful!!! I'm using Surgent CPA. What worked for you? And how did you study for your 2nd try? I feel like most of these review courses lack a professional explanation for most Simulations.

    Biff Tannen

    To add on to @getthiscpa’s point, the AUD section tests heavily over SSARS engagements. Make sure to brush up on that. Obviously you should know the difference between a SSARS and an audit engagements. Understanding of the high level differences is key for AUD

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