Anyone thought they did bad in the Sims and still passed? - Page 2

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    Just curious to know how many people thought they did bad in Sims, but still end up passing?

    I feel like everyone has similar feeling about MCQs, most of time the 2nd testlet seems impossible, so hard to gauge how well we do in MCQs.

    so I feel like it’s easier to tell if we did well or poorly in Sims.

    In my Sim, I had two research, so one I’m guessing it’s pretest and I probably only got of them right.

    rest of the Sims, two of them were weird, so I don’t think I did well in those two. the other ones I feel like I did okay.

    so I kind of wanna know if I have chance of passing….so nervous….

    FAR - 9/8/16 (Hopefully it's my last CPA exam, God bless me!)
    REG - 80
    BEC - 81
    AUD - 69, 81

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  • #781098

    I recently took FAR, it was tough to judge the difficulty of the questions. I feel like it went from medium to medium and then easier. The mcq has me a bit worried because I think I did well on the sims. But someone above mentioned how if the sims are easier and you get them wrong or something then they grade you tougher because they were easier?


    @Jackobe24 – To answer you question…yes! Every. Single. Time! 🙂


    The following is the reason why you do better on simulations than you think=

    I found the answer=

    i wrote to the AICPA asking this question and here is the reply i got:

    “For the AUD, FAR, or REG section, answers to the questions across the 6 or 7 TBSs are used as a single collection of responses to determine the single score for the TBS portion of the section. The individual tasks are not weighted. Note: the response to the Research TBS is a single citation from the Authoritative Literature. Accordingly, each Research TBS is treated and scored as a single response. For both the MCQ and TBS portions of the exam, credit is given only for correct responses. There is no penalty for incorrect responses.
    For BEC, each of the written communication tasks is scored individually and the single written communication score is then obtained as the average of the individual essay scores.”

    I think the AICPA means that every question in every TBS(Task Based Simulation) is worth the same as reflected by “not weighted”. Not every TBS is worth the same, but every little task within each TBS is worth the same.
    “questions across the 6 or 7 TBSs are used as a single collection of responses to determine the single score for the TBS portion of the section”
    I think this above quote agrees with what I stated above; that every Sim has sub questions and every sub question is worth the same. A sub question needs to be 100% correct to get credit, and all of the answers you get right are added up in a similar fashion as the multiple choice to determine your overall score.
    All research questions need to be 100% correct to get credit as reflected by “TBS is a single citation from the Authoritative Literature. Accordingly, each Research TBS is treated and scored as a single response.” Research questions are worth the same as every other SINGLE fill in the box type question you have on the other TBS's. To clarify 1 research question is NOT worth 1/7 of the Sims, but could be worth 1/35 of the Sims if there are a lot of individual tasks within the Sims.
    The above citation does not appear to imply a curve. I feel like John Nash right now, hopefully I don't go crazy and start writing on the walls.

    Through God all things can happen!

    “You never fail until you stop trying.”
    ― Albert Einstein
    When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people;as I grow older, I admire kind people.
    “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.”

    FAR= 72-84
    Audit= 73-82
    BEC= 74-75


    In my far, i got 7 sim, and i left 4 sim blank(it is all input number sim, so i put all 0s), pretty sure i got the other 3 all right, and i felt pretty confident about my mcqs, and i got 79.


    The only sim I thought I was 100% sold on was my research question (which I found by luck pretty quickly). I was confident on another bc it was similar to what I do at work. Everything else I was not understanding at all. Made educated guesses. I even thought my mcq was bad too. Got a 76!! I say practice a few sims so you are comfortable. But If u know mcq questions u have prepared well enough for sims. Some sims will be impossible to prepare for. That's OK just try your best on them. I approached them with the mindset that I was at work and my boss gAve me something to try my best on. And I never even did weak on them. I was comparable and the sims which I thought I bombed ended up saving me !!!! I can say I was 99% sure I BOMBED far but I ended up passing.

    FAR (5/31) PASS (Best birthday gift ever!)


    do you guys know if the Sim difficulty is based on how we did in MCQ or is it all random?

    FAR - 9/8/16 (Hopefully it's my last CPA exam, God bless me!)
    REG - 80
    BEC - 81
    AUD - 69, 81



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