All three testlets seemed Easy…does that translate into a FAIL????

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  • #180102

    Hi everyone,

    I took AUD yesterday and felt like all three testlets were fairly easy. As I understand it, if you do good on the 1st testlet it should get progressively more difficult in the other two assuming you did well on the 2nd one too. I finished the exam in two hours, but stuck around for an extra 40 mins to review the SIMS in which I thought were fairly easy too.

    I have no audit experience and just used Becker self-study to prepare myself. The MCQs in Becker seemed way more difficult than the exam.

    Has anyone had the same feeling and passed???

    FAR: 77 (08/07/13)
    AUD: 78 (08/29/13)
    REG: 76 (11/07/13)
    BEC: 79 (12/06/13)
    Ethics: 98%

    Application sent 12/31/13

    Used Becker Self-Study

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  • Author
  • #435181

    Maybe you are just underestimating your true potential?

    REG = 58 (02-20-13), 75 (05-01-13)
    AUD = 67 (05-29-13), 79 (08-29-13)
    BEC = 83 (07-31-13)
    FAR = 72 (10-29-13), 69 (02-27-14), 73 (04-16-14), 81(08-13-14)

    Study Materials = Becker 2013 + Wiley Online Test Bank
    (75%) On my Way to a CPA (minus the experience requirement)!


    Maybe you are just overestimated how easy they were… in which case, you failed


    Ninja + Wiley Test Bank: [FAR - 81] [REG - 76] [BEC - 88] [AUD - 73](doh!)

    Becker Videos: [AUD - 82]

    California CPA


    I guess it's one extreme or the other. I just hope it's the one where I passed. = )

    FAR: 77 (08/07/13)
    AUD: 78 (08/29/13)
    REG: 76 (11/07/13)
    BEC: 79 (12/06/13)
    Ethics: 98%

    Application sent 12/31/13

    Used Becker Self-Study


    I couldn't notice a big difference between my AUD testlets either. No noticeable easy, hard, medium, progression. I did a lot of practice MCQs from Wiley Test Bank and read the Wiley textbook fairly thoroughly. I remember thinking the test bank questions were a bit more challenging/tricky than the actual test. When i got my score (86) I was pretty surprised. I think I was more well prepared than I realized.

    FWIW, had the same feeling with BEC as well… and again, surprised when I got my score. So you never know!

    2012 (Kaplan)
    REG: 70, 72
    2013 (Kaplan, Wiley Test Bank & textbooks, Ninja audio)
    FAR 2/21/13: 75
    REG rematch 4/2/13: 84
    AUD: 5/22/13: 86
    BEC: 7/30/13 ... 86!


    In my AUD exam, I felt like the second was slightly harder and the third was much easier. With that, I felt I had done poorly on the second and was given an easy third section. To my surprise, I must have done well on all three, judging by my score. Just stay positive, it too difficult to “guess” your performance based on perception of difficulty.


    Like you, my AUD felt too easy, and I was done with about 2 hours left to go…got a 91. AUD seems to be one of those that you either understand or you don't. If you understand it well, then they're all fairly easy; if you don't understand it, then even the easy questions are a killer.

    So, there's definitely still a good chance you did well!


    No it does not translate to a fail; that is impossible to predict. I used Becker for all 4 parts and found a lot of the Becker questions harder than the actual questions. I believe that is Becker's intention. If you felt you did well, that's good! I think it's impossible to accurately gauge if the testlets get harder or not. And maybe they did but did not seem that way to you because you knew the material well for all of them.

    B: 75
    R: 80
    A: 77
    F: 81
    Ethics: 84, 92 and done!
    Licensed in California


    Thanks for sharing everyone! Definitely makes me feel more at ease! Good luck to everyone waiting for results on sept 9! We got this guys!!

    FAR: 77 (08/07/13)
    AUD: 78 (08/29/13)
    REG: 76 (11/07/13)
    BEC: 79 (12/06/13)
    Ethics: 98%

    Application sent 12/31/13

    Used Becker Self-Study


    I felt the same way when i walked out of AUD. I thought it was too good to be true because I thought it was so easy. I did end up passing. But i thought my score would be in t he 90's..but it wasn't…barely passed..but still pass is pass!!

    Done ^_^


    I thought all three MC testlets on FAR were easy. It's possible you just new the material really well so didn't have an issues.

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