2 FAR sims on AUD exam today

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    So I just took Audit today and had not 1 but 2 sims that were straight from FAR. I haven’t studied FAR yet and was basically guessing for both. I was curious afterward and went to Becker to find out where these questions came from and I found the exact unit/chapter in FAR that they came from.

    How is it allowed to have 100% FAR questions on audit? How am I supposed to prepare for a test when the questions are not even about the subject being tested??? I want to complain to the AICPA or something but I doubt it would do any good. I’m just pissed because I feel like I had audit down but I don’t feel like I will pass now.

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  • #1615815
    shawn in VA


    I am sorry to hear that. I took AUD a while back ago and failed miserably with a 69. I got 2 FAR SIMS and was like “how is this even allowed” I would complain if I were you. I guarantee you I will complain if it happens to me again. I let it slide the 1st time. IF enough people complain MAYBE just maybe they may change their ways. It is just plain cruel.

    ONe time on BEC I got a FAR and REG WC

    shawn in VA

    How were the MCQs ? Were they reasonable? wordy? Relate to AUD?

    How were your remaining SIMS?


    This has been the case for a while which is why people advise to take FAR before AUD.

    I also had FAR sims on my AUD and it contributed to my failure with a 67.


    There were FAR MCQs and AUD MCQs on my BEC exam 2 weeks ago. So your story is not surprising. The SIMs, however, were grueling questions, 1 of which I did not even answer.


    @QueenCpa I didn't know there was Ninja for CMA. Huh. Learn something new daily. I don't know any CMA's though. Isn't that credential sorta considered “The Poor Man's CPA?” If I can't get the CPA, I might do that or the CIA sometime. I know one guy who is a CGMA. He's also a CPA, and an all-around pencil-pushing geek/accounting nerd who passed the CPA in like 1983, eons ago, when it was still passable and the AICPA hadn't decided to start putting head-trips on candidates (like putting FAR questions on AUD and BEC.) CGMA is Certified Global Management Accountant – not sure what the distinction is between that and CMA and CPA really, seems more like just another credential and letters to put behind your name). Anyway, good luck to you.

    OP – sorry to interrupt your thread. Look at it this way – if you did well on those FAR SIMs, that's actually a plus. If I'd had FAR questions on my last AUD attempt, I might have passed it because I know that material better.



    I find it interesting that you refer to the CMA as “Poor Mans CPA”. The credential is just as expensive to attain and just as difficult. Although not as popular and prestigious as the CPA, it is also highly respected among management accountants.

    The focus of both exams are entirely different as the names connote (Public Accounting Vs Management Accounting). Although I'm going into public accounting with a big 4, that will be temporary and the CMA will be a great addition when I switch to industry.

    Anyways, you can read up more stuff online to understand the difference.


    Well I was hoping to get a thumbnail description of the differences between the two credentials but I guess not. But, the credential is definitely not as popular…at least in California where I live. “Poor Man's CPA” is probably not the best thing to call it but Certified Management Accountant is undoubtedly an easier one to get. You don't have to take 4 grueling and gruesome exams, anyway. Or probably deal with Prometric or a lot of other garbage.


    I don't mean to be an ass, but when you audit financial information you have to know financial accounting in order to be competent to do it. It makes sense that FAR would be tested on auditing, otherwise how can you spot whether management is using GAAP?



    You can find the differences online. And yes, it's two exams instead of 4 with 100 MCQs each and about the same number of simulations.

    Try it out if you think it's that easy. And yes, we still deal with prometric. No doubt the CFA is harder to get than the CPA but never would anyone say CPA is a Poor Mans CFA because it is easier because they are completely different certifications.

    Well. That's enough on this issue.


    If I were just getting out of college and preparing for the CPA exam, I'd definitely take FAR first.


    @shawn in VA – I hope I don't come across as rude, but, if I worked for the AICPA, my response to your complaint would be to direct you to the AICPA blueprints that detail “Recalculation and Reperformance” as content for the AUD exam. For what it's worth, the actual FAR exam sims are much more difficult.


    I took Audit in March and the first teslet itself given me impression that I got FAR question by mistake ,I had posted on this forum too.It gone all the way up to SIM and had 2 SIMs staright from FAR.It's old thing AUD should be taken after FAR for optimal result.


    Maybe I'm the only one..but I preferred FAR sims over AUD sims. I found AUD sims very ‘open' ended to interpretation or very judgemental. Too many grey areas to deal with. At least with FAR sims it's black and white. I know I either got it right or wrong.

    Is right. The whole concept of audit deals with whether or not the F/S is misstated. Even in the real world, F/S adjustments are relevant. So it's no surprise that they will be some overlap with FAR.


    I had 2 sims that were completely FAR subjects on mine, and 2 others that had far aspects to it. Becker does have an module for adjusting entries in AUD I think, so it's somewhat fair game to expect simple adjusting entries. One of my sims went beyond simple adjusting entries for me, but I'm pretty sure it was pretest because I left it blank 80% blank and passed with a decent score. If you only had 1 research question, it may be possible one of them is a pretest. If you had two research question, then the far sims unfortunately probably counted.


    @shawn-in-va Yea it really sucks :/ And I don't want to say the exact topic of the FAR sims but they were not ratios/analytical procedures or adjusting entries; they were completely unrelated to audit. The other sims were hard but at least they were audit related. MCQ was not hard for me but I prepared like crazy for it. The second testlet was definitely harder but still doable. I was hoping that one of those sims would be pretest but after looking at other threads it seems unlikely since I had two research questions.

    @ everyone saying I should have taken FAR first: that was my plan but it worked better with my schedule to study for FAR Sept/Oct because I will be able to study full time and take it right before my full time job starts in November. This summer I was also working and decided to take audit because I needed less study time for it. I guess I learned my lesson 🙁

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