What is next after CPA - Page 2

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  • #1514619

    I feel that many people just stop after getting their CPA license. Is there any value to get ABA (accredit business accountant) or CPA/PFS (personal financial specialist) besides more professional fee and more CPE

    I just opened a small tax office and it appears many offices like mine also sell financial instruments like insurance. I am thinking maybe i should also go financial planning route (passing series 65 exam is required), should be perfect with tax planning. I am debating bewteen passing series 65 or going for PFS

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  • #1573909

    I am never ever setting foot in a classroom, virtual or otherwise after I get my CPA license. I have 16 years of working experience, having worked in a manager role for the last 8, no thank you! I look forward to life without studying!


    @anyatver then how will you be getting your CPE :^)

    FAR- 74, 78 (10/15)
    BEC- 73
    REG- 65, 88 (05/16)
    AUD- 7/16


    ABA, PFS, CMA, blah blah blah. If any of it makes a difference in your career it'll be marginal. One of the partners at our firm has like 5 extra credentials on top of his CPA and it really doesn't do anything more for him in our line of work other than allow him to stroke his ego when nobody even cares.

    I entertained the idea of more credentials when I was studying for the CPA, thought about getting a MST or MBA but my life without studying has become so amazing to me that its not worth whatever (if any) value its going to add to my career. It also depends on your career path, none of that other crap is really going to make a difference for what I do and for where I want to be down the road. But my simplified opinion is why bother unless you have an opportunity depending on it.

    FAR - 80
    AUD - 82
    BEC - 80
    REG - 85

    ETHICS - 90
    Application for California license mailed 8/4/2016


    @Chicago312_CPAABV how hard could it be opening a tax office, rent a space, register for PTIN, get E&O insurance, blah blah. PP&E are like computers, printers, cabinets, a good tax software, etc. The whole initial investment was like less than 5k. I don't think there is a direct message option. Regardless, starting and having a working office are not the hardest part, the hardest part is marketing and advertising.

    What motivated me to do it? I worked at one of those national tax preparation chains for two tax seasons. The whole operation was questionable ethically ranging from my coworkers to managers to the quality of the services. I know I could provide better quality service so here I am.


    @ForgottenOne interesting, thanks for sharing and makes sense. Best of luck to you!


    Decide how many years you want to work and go earn some money! I decided I want to be retired by 40 and am working on making that happen. Blogging about that and other very useful topics in the process! No more certifications for this guy.

    B - 88 (2/16)
    A - 84 (4/16)
    R - 73 (6/16), 82(7/16)
    F - 67 (1/16), 84(4/16)

    Ethics - 93

    Roger course & Ninja MCQ - HiYa!


    I've considered the CFA exam but that seems important for investment bankers and that's not the field i'm in. I have bounced around the idea of an MBA and still may do that but the cost is keeping me away for now. For now I am enjoying life. It's so crazy how much extra time I have now that i'm done studying. I just started my CPE to keep my license active and also have a finance textbook I read through to keep things fresh. I try to do 30-60 minutes a few days a week. Nothing too stressful.

    Regulation For The Win!

    FAR 57, 62, 77
    BEC 70,77
    AUD 54,78
    REG 66, 62, 7/29


    Roger CPA Review / Ninja MCQ Supplement

    Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time - Thomas Edison


    Agree with REG-FTW86.

    I like the idea of getting an MBA, which I think would be a good supplement to my accounting background. I don't plan to do it unless an employer pays for it though. I'm done with paying for education haha.


    I have been thinking about MBA as well but probably not anytime soon as I just completed the CPA exam. Has anyone ever thought about Master in taxation? I think master in taxation would be very beneficial if you want to open your own practice and it sounds cooler than MBA hahaha

    AUD - 65, 72, 70, 74, 81
    FAR - 66, 71, 76
    REG - 69
    BEC - 80

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