I had a similar experience with Level 1. It's been a while, but I'd guesstimate maybe 100-125 hours. I will say I didn't plan it that way, but made it through with decent scores in each section. Around half in the middle score bracket and half in the 70+ bracket.
I went for L2 last June, but work and life got me horribly off track during studying. I probably put in 100 hours, again not by design, but this time wasn't so lucky.
Looking back, I think around 200 of solid regular studying would do the trick. It is definitely a harder exam and you won't be able to cruise through the Financials section like you probably did for L1. Lots of new material and detailed things. I would equate it to FAR of the CPA exams. Tons of topics, but none is super difficult. A few will give you trouble, but you really just have to put in the time to learn the terminology and how to solve those questions.
I didn't register for L2 this June, since I didn't expect to have the time given other things I've decided to put some time into… plus I don't currently work in a role where my experience would even qualify for the charter… so not a great use of my time at the moment. I think I'd see a better payoff by going through some operational efficiency programs or something like that.
I didn't pass it last yr, so take my guess with a grain of salt…
Good luck if you go for it!