MBA – As a title - Page 2

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  • #178813

    So I have an MBA and I’m trying to reach a consensus on whether to put the title “MBA” after my name or not. I’ve asked around and it seems like its a good idea, but I’m just not sure. Any thoughts?

    FAR - Bad Fail '11, Fail '12, Fail '13, PASS It's a miracle!
    AUD - Fail, PASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    BEC - PASS!!!!!!!!
    REG - PASS!!!!!!!! And I'm done!

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  • #426705

    I wouldn't take a hard stance like some have, but I think as is the case with a lot of things in life it depends. As @Adrost points out if you work in higher education you see people with MS or MA after their name, but that is because in higher education your worth is determined by the highest level of education you have so there it would be completely appropriate even in an email signature. I also agree with what several posters have said that it depends if you went to a high ranking school (top 25 full time programs), or if you went to an online program or your local state school. Ironically I have found the people who usually put it after their name are from the latter, and those who achieve the former usually have the aptitude, skill sets, and connections they don't need to. If you feel it is a huge accomplishment then by all means put it after your name whenever you want (I don't think it will hurt you), but I don't think it is usually going to give you a professional advantage either.

    AUD - 2/2013 - Passed!
    BEC - 5/2013 - Passed!
    FAR - 8/2013 - Passed!
    REG - 11/2013 - Passed!
    "Do or do not, there is no try." - Yoda


    “All-State Football Player Emeritus” hahahahahaha

    I also agree with Jeff.

    REG- Waiting 7/1/13
    BEC- Waiting 7/23/13
    AUD- Studying 8/12/13
    FAR- Signed up 10/1/13
    Studying with CPAExcel and Wiley Test Bank.


    Yep, I second everything in jaredo155's post. A former coworker who does financial analysis puts those letters after his name on linkedin. He went to a school no one's ever heard of or cares about, and works at a place that can be described the same way. All it's really done is validate negative things about his degree and his attitude.

    Couldn't pass again!

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