MBA – As a title

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  • #178813

    So I have an MBA and I’m trying to reach a consensus on whether to put the title “MBA” after my name or not. I’ve asked around and it seems like its a good idea, but I’m just not sure. Any thoughts?

    FAR - Bad Fail '11, Fail '12, Fail '13, PASS It's a miracle!
    AUD - Fail, PASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    BEC - PASS!!!!!!!!
    REG - PASS!!!!!!!! And I'm done!

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  • #426690
    Gerg, CPA

    i have it on my linkedin profile, and on my business cards, and in my email signature, and on my resume. i thought it was kinda cheesy, and doesn't necessarily mean anything. but all other things equal, someone with MBA after their name sticks out over someone who doesnt. Hopefully soon i can put some new letters after my name that bring a little more clout w/ them

    FAR - 1/26/2012 - PASSED (78, but Lost credit), re-do 11/27/2013 - PASSED (87)!
    AUD - EPIC FAIL, 71, 69; 68; 5/25/2013 - PASSED (85)!
    REG - 10/1/2012 - 72; 7/1/2013 - 73 UGH, 10/1/2013 - PASSED (85)!
    BEC - 2/28/2013 - PASSED (82)!
    Licensed CPA!

    Used Becker self-study materials (just this for FAR original & REG #1), WileyTestBank, NINJA notes/audio, and Roger cram course for AUD #5, REG #3 & FAR reboot. CPA!


    I think its cheesy, was gonna say douchey, but that might be offensive, so I'll refrain from douchey and go with cheesy. On one hand, yes, it tells people that you have a masters, but on the other if somebody really cared they're probably just scroll down your LinkedIn profile to see what you're sporting. I always feel that those people with gigantic, non-doctorate titles are ego servicing

    Ninja + Wiley Test Bank: [FAR - 81] [REG - 76] [BEC - 88] [AUD - 73](doh!)

    Becker Videos: [AUD - 82]

    California CPA


    I say yes on a resume (let's be honest employers only scan resumes unless something catches their eye) but absolutely no on business cards, email signatures or LinkedIn.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    Why not, you earned it. Sometimes we can cheat our selves out of the glory of major accomplishments. No every Joe does not have an MBA. I wouldn't sign it on my checks at the local grocery store but to be distinguished in education and establish a profile like linkedin, or resumes, even professional business cards…….why not? No one will know what we have accomplished unless we tell them, these are great ways to tell them.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    In the case of Linkedin or Resumes wouldn't you think that most prospective employers would just look at your education and know that you have an MBA from that.

    That's my issue, I feel like putting it after my name is “ego servicing”. I think that maybe the only appropriate place to put that is on your linkedin profile because someone doesn't have to scroll down and someone will know you have one in the search results without having to click on your name.

    FAR - Bad Fail '11, Fail '12, Fail '13, PASS It's a miracle!
    AUD - Fail, PASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    BEC - PASS!!!!!!!!
    REG - PASS!!!!!!!! And I'm done!


    How about I ask the only question that matters – “Are you proud of it”. Did you earn it from a top school? If you did, then yes, use it to brag. If not, maybe just stick with having it under your education section and that's it.

    The only area this would differ is if you are in education (ie: professor) then you should use it.


    @Adrost, I like your thought process on this board as that was my thought process that kept me from adding it after my name. I didn't get it from a top school, a good school, but nothing where people would give you the nod of approval after telling them where you went. You know what I mean?

    I think I'll still add it to my Linkedin profile but probably not anywhere else.

    FAR - Bad Fail '11, Fail '12, Fail '13, PASS It's a miracle!
    AUD - Fail, PASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    BEC - PASS!!!!!!!!
    REG - PASS!!!!!!!! And I'm done!


    @Spur – I think that is the best way to go. But make sure that you have it on your LinkedIn under education and on your resume; you never know when an alumni might be reviewing you for a job and choose you because of your connection.

    GO Hawks

    I don't think its douchy when I see that ppl have titles. It makes you look like a B.A.

    BEC 88 5/25/2013
    FAR 96 7/01/2013
    AUD 99 7/08/2013
    REG 93 8/01/2013

    Straight Becker'in it


    I have an MBA in my opinion the three letters CPA mean more


    Just don't get too crazy about advertising an MBA if you went to a crappy school, that just looks ridiculous/desperate.

    REG- Waiting 7/1/13
    BEC- Waiting 7/23/13
    AUD- Studying 8/12/13
    FAR- Signed up 10/1/13
    Studying with CPAExcel and Wiley Test Bank.


    I personally wouldn't put a degree after my name…only a credential.


    Agree with Jeff.

    Mayo, BBA, Macc


    There is a time and place for everything.

    On a site like LinkedIn it makes sense. I wouldn't consider it out of place on a resume either.

    It doesn't belong on a check (daycare lady was telling me she has one guy that signs his name with MBA). I wouldn't include it on an email signature either unless I was in a position where I was competing for work regularly and it differentiated myself from my competition.

    Business cards are a toss up. I could see it either way there (and have some coworkers that do and some that don't). I don't even have CPA on my business cards, but that is more due to the fact that I go through so few cards that I haven't ordered since before I got my CPA (actually before I started working on the exam).


    “MBA” is NOT a title, it's a degree. It doesn't work with the English syntax. You don't say, “Hi, I'm Joe Smith and I am a Master of Business Administration.” You say “Hi, I'm Joe Smith and I have a Master of Business Administration degree.” Putting it after your name is redundant on something like a resume or linkedin, since the audience in those cases will read that information in your “Education” section. Honestly, putting it after your name makes you look pretentious and self-absorbed.

    EDIT: The logic that “you worked hard and earned it so you're gonna show it off” is ridiculous as well. I worked hard for other things in my life, but that doesnt mean they go in your title. Otherwise I'd be Joe Smith, CPA, BBA, MSA, MBA, Father, Husband, All-State Football Player Emeritus

    NY CPA

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