I appreciate all the responses, especially the one by 4WG2WB saying I needed to be medicated, I appreciate it. I took the night to talk it over with my wife and to devise a plan. I hope everyone here understands how I was feeling, I was expected to be certified my company through me a party and now it will take about two years longer than originally planned.
@ everyone who states is my responsibility is to know the accreditation system of the schools, I do agree to an extent but as a young adult I should have been more aware but you have to understand I trusted the schools when they said “their school is different and the extra credits needed to be certified is built into the program.” This was my understanding on what I was told.
I emailed the board my transcript and this week they will tell me what credits I need to be certified (accounting/business). I am going to pursue a MBT program because the program is only 30 credits and I need 28.
I am trying to pursue this with the Attorney General and trying to get a hold of my old classmates to see if this was their understanding as well, I have spoken to the school and they “hooking” new students on the same sales pitch they said to me, so I know something isn't right here. If you guys do a short google of my school in my state the newspaper articles come up easily and was found guilty of fraud this past September with the Criminal Justice degrees, so I know something is going on more than just the criminal justice degree. I hope people in my area know that the school I went to isn't a good place for a degree.
Once again I appreciate everyone's response and I hope no hard feelings on what I said to some of you. Thank you.
Edit: The time lapse between graduating and now didn't have a factor with the credits.
BEC-70,73,68,74 SH##!!!!!, 80
FAR -74,82
Ethics here I come!!