CFE? - Page 2

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  • #189217

    I am thinking of taking the CFE Exam in the next year or so. I work in Internal Audit and I’ve always been really interested in fraud, so my manager has given me all these great projects revolving around fraud. Anyways, I wanted to see how intense the test is (I’m assuming it’s not even comparable to the CPA Exam) and how long people prepare for it.

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  • #612452
    mena je twa

    Please for the Love of God, stop comparing CPA to any of these other certifications. ( Difficulty level )

    CPA is the pinnacle, and will always stand tall.

    CFE, CIA and all other C's are just there , incase you want some letters next to your name. These certificates are merely there so that the AICPA and its cronies can make money off of it. Thats it.

    Licensed CPA, Texas - 2012


    In my case, I just didn't know if seeking this additional designation would provide any added value in my search for employment. Seems like the consensus is no.

    Mary 2496

    Others may disagree with me … I think the main factor is if you're aiming for a career that's strong in the forensic accounting field. I would also take that into consideration before deciding. I didn't really use it and just thought it was too easy. If I were in forensics, I may have kept it current.


    Maybe just wait and the AICPA will offer an equivalent designation, without an exam (CGMA style)



    I work exclusively in fraud investigation and forensic accounting and I find it to be a very valuable certification.

    Just my $.02.

    AUD 88 (expired), 80 retake
    FAR 64,69,67,73,67,73,73,73, August 3
    REG 75 (expired) September 7
    BEC 72, 77

    The adventure continues...



    Can you expound on how the certification benefits you, ie does it provide u access to resources u wouldnt otherwise have or does it set u apart from others who dont have the certification when applying for certain jobs etc etc

    Just tryin to make an informed decision

    Thanks for your insight


    Hi Leglock,

    I work for myself, so I can't say how it is helpful for employers, but my clients expect it. I'm hired almost exclusively by attorneys to help in investigations. Attorneys like certifications, which is why I'm going for the CPA and then CFF. ACFE does provide helpful resources and I find their continuing education programs very interesting and a great way to network. Again, it's all I do all day long, so I'm pretty immersed in the CFE community. Take a look at the website and see if it fits your needs or desires to combat fraud. Best wishes,

    AUD 88 (expired), 80 retake
    FAR 64,69,67,73,67,73,73,73, August 3
    REG 75 (expired) September 7
    BEC 72, 77

    The adventure continues...


    I'm a CFE and although I don't really use at work, I pursued the certification because I was really interested in fraud. Like Mary said, the exam is WAY easier than the CPA and all in all cost me about $1,000. I also did it while taking a break from the CPA and all my failed attempts! Lol.

    But really, I think if you can afford it, it's a nice designation to have (if you're interested). I don't regret getting it all, but of course the CPA is way more respected.

    AUD: 84
    FAR: 75
    BEC: 78
    REG: 75


    REG: Used Becker 2014 book, NINJA MCQ, Ninja notes, ninja audio
    CFE since Oct. 2013.


    Here are my thoughts on this for what it is worth…I am a current CPA and CFE who works exclusively in the Forensic Accounting world.

    The CFE exam has no comparison to the CPA exam…way easier and not nearly as long to study. I bought the CFE study self study materials through ACFE and found them adequate to prepare you in passing the exam. It took me about 2 months of studying about 2 hours a couple times a week to complete all lessons in the test preparation.

    As for practical use in the real world…having the certification has been helpful in that I work in that accounting specialization. If I was an internal auditor I would consider obtaining the CIA to complement my CPA. Thus, if interested in pursuing a fraud examination career then I think a CFE would compliment your CPA and be worth pursuing.

    Certifications are not the end all be all!!! In some ways I think they can be way over-hyped. Upfront thinking and having a purpose for obtaining a certification is important. Thus if interested in forensic accounting and moving your career in that direction…then definitely pursue it. If just wanting to get a few more letters by your name…then probably not worth the investment when you consider the amount of money to renew each year and continuing education costs.

    AUD - Passed
    BEC - Passed
    FAR - Passed (Perfect Score of 75 to finish it off)
    REG - Passed


    My personal feeling is that the CFE is not worth much unless you also have your CPA license. The two combined, I think can be pretty powerful. I personally don't see the value in doing the CIA. I work in a fairly large, multinational public company and not one person in our department has their CIA. I also don't have an interest in being an internal auditor, in the sense of doing SOX testing, for the rest of my career.

    Since my employer is offering to pay for it & also says they see a value in me doing it, I think it's worth going after!


    @leglock As others have stated, it all depends on what you want to do in your career and this will determine whether the CFE designation will be helpful. Personally, the CFE designation is a must considering our Firm does quite a bit of fraud investigation work. New and existing clients are calling our office and wondering if we have anyone who specializes in forensic accounting and/or fraud investigation. Our clients expect us to be experts and certified; thus, the need to have the CFE designation.

    Further, the CPE requirements for the CFE are simply part of my CPA CPE requirements. I have to have 40 hours for my CPA which meets the 20 hour minimum for the CFE. However, 10 of those hours must be fraud related.

    AUD - 93
    BEC - 80
    REG - 86
    FAR - 83


    If you provide expert witness services, consulting engagements on fraud, or work in law enforcement it is very valuable and the organization is extremely efficient in providing interesting and useful material to add as tools of the trade IMO.

    It is a requirement at the firm I work at and law enforcement agencies – Police officers, FBI, etc. are starting to use it as a training tool. The only comparison between CPA and CFE is the CFE is trying to get more CPA's involved in the field of fraud because of there knowledge base. BTW I haven't taken the exam but I had to read the whole Fraud Examiners Manual when I was an intern at the Firm I work at now (1,800 pages) ><

    A - 89 10/23/2014
    R - 90 2/27/2014
    F - 75 5/25/2014
    B - 83 8/28/2014

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