Career Path guidance

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  • #200495

    Not sure who to go to regarding this so I thought I’d ask you all. Hopefully just finished my last exam, (HOPEFULLY), and looking to make myself the most marketable person I can be. A friend of mine just received her Certificate in Corporate Financial Planning and Analysis and her starting salary was $100k in the Midwest. My goal to shoot for the moon in my career and land in the stars. *Cheesy I know…whatever* Having that certificate would make me a very well rounded employee to any company that I go to.

    My question is: Would getting my “Certificate in Corporate Financial Planning and Analysis” be worth it regarding salary/opportunity bumps? Don’t want to go through the pain if it isn’t worth it.

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  • Author
  • #760225

    Do you have any work experience? If not my first inclination is to advise you to get experience working in accounting then pursue the certification, as I feel it would help you more in that case.


    I have about 7 years experience right now.

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