Thoughts on choice of grad degree (MAc vs. MBA vs. MSF) - Page 2

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  • #166559

    Hey all,

    First post here.

    Long story made short, I have a BBA in Finance and a BBA in Accounting. I have worked for a couple years in industry as an accountant. I’ve decided it is time to get on the ball and move forward if I ever want to live in that deluxe apartment in the sky. I’m planning on picking up the CMA (studying now) and CPA (one I get the required 150 hours…. I’m a lil short).

    I’m asking mainly about graduate programs.

    What does everyone think of a Master of Accountancy? Does it seem to add value to a potential employee if he already has a BBA in Accting and a couple good certifications?

    I’m drawn to the Master of Science in Finance because frankly, finance is much more interesting to me than accounting. Again, does it add value to a potential employee if he already has a BBA in finance? Does a CMA, CPA, work experience as an accountant, and then an MSF potentially make it difficult for a hiring manager to see that I am the shape of the peg that is needed to fill the hole? Would an MSF be valued if I were to look to work in public accting or accting in industry?

    Finally, the MBA….

    The MBA seems to be the default grad degree to get for those in business. Just before graduation, I had a professor urge me not to get an MBA. He said it is silly for someone with a specialization at the undergrad level to get an MBA. Does this hold true? Is it changed at all if I were to specialize in say finance for the MBA? Is there any value to demonstrating a grasp of another skill set by getting an MBA with a specialization in something like Operations Management, Economics, or Supply Chain Management?

    Lastly, how much does accreditation matter? I was told by professors not to look a grad school unless it was AACSB accredited. I wonder, however, if they said this because my school was AACSB accredited. I also know that some academics can be a bit snobby with those sorts of things. Do recruiters care as long as it’s not a University of Basket Weaving Online type school?

    Sorry for the long read. Thanks for the help.

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