Stay in audit or jump to private? Ultimate goal: MBA

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  • #178863

    I have an opportunity to do an international rotation with my Big 4 firm in Bermuda this coming year. But lately I’ve been considering pursuing an MBA, so I’m considering jumping to private and growing with a company since MBA programs don’t typically accept Big 4-experience-only applicants. I am considering a position at a large manufacturing company. My goal is to apply for an MBA in 3-4 years. I’ve already put in 2 years at my current Big 4 in Atlanta.

    On the one hand, it would be great to get international experience with my current firm. On the other hand, it would be helpful to get a more diverse set of skills that’s offered beyond just audit.

    Thoughts? Thanks everyone!

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  • #426723

    Where are you trying to go? Top 15? You can certainly get into a top 15 out of the big 4 especially with a international rotation. I think it would more depend on where you landed as far as private sector jobs are concerned. FP&A might be better and maybe CorpDev. Also switching to TAS might be good also especially if your looking to get into banking. I'm planning out a similar route (granted I'll just be starting at my big 4 firm in August) so will be looking to apply in 4-5 years.

    I'd say don't discount big 4 experience as long as you can craft a compelling story.

    Also, how did you get the opportunity for a international stint!? I'm going to attempt to do something like that or move to TAS.


    If you really are interested in the international experience, then I'd consider holding off for a year on the switch to private, because once you enter private, you may never again have an opportunity to get paid to travel internationally! However, if the Bermuda trip doesn't really interest you, then this could be the perfect time to jump ship.

    If it was me, my decision would hinge on whether or not I wanted to go to Bermuda…unless the position with the manufacturing company was a rare find that is the perfect position for you, in which case you might not want to pass it up.


    Someone lied to you if you think MBA programs won't accept a Big 4 candidate.

    NY CPA


    Thanks everyone for your responses!

    aeroT: My two target schools are top 10. I'm sure some of the MBA programs accept Big 4 but it just seems so unexceptional that I'm unsure of how I will stand out. Then again, the international opportunity would afford that. The TAS idea is something that I would actually like to pursue after my international rotation.

    As for getting the opportunity, just perform well, communicate your desire for a rotation to your mentor/counselor as well as the HR person in your office. Also depends a little bit on luck, depending on the amount of positions that the other country is hiring.

    Elisabeth: Hahaha, unfortunately I am not getting *paid* to travel. They do offer a relocation package, though, both to and from the states. The manufacturing position would actually afford me the opportunity to travel as I would be visiting the different locations throughout the Americas.

    wizards8507: This is what I've heard about top MBA programs, not smaller programs. Could still be wrong, though.


    @sporter – Not trying to steer traffic away from A71, but you might want to take this question over to

    This site is filled with top MBA graduates and bankers willing to guide you on questions like this.




    I'd actually recommend a gmat or mba type forum like WSO is a great website and can give you a lot of information but they look down upon auditing and accounting in general. At gmatclub you might get a less biased answer.

    Also you should be thinking less of how to stand out among other PE, IBD, and ER guys and about how to stand out among other big 4 guys. They'll let big 4 guys in because they like the diversity but you would need to stand out among the other big 4 guys. This is where the international experience would be great. Also crafting a great extracurricular profile will help a lot.


    Crazy question: what will this cost you and how long will it take you to recover this investment through higher earning power directly resulting from the MBA?


    @Sporter I meant since you'd be getting paid for the time while traveling, it'd be a lot better on the pocket-book than if, say, you took a year off in the future to go visit Bermuda! However, if the private position that you are looking at also offers international trips, then that might not be as much of a consideration!

    @Jeff Good question. I've debated the same thing myself, and personally have decided it's probably not worth it. (Of course I'm making less now than I was before I got my undergrad, so I might have a warped view. 😉 )


    I think the international experience would look great on a resume and if the project is only for a year then there's probably not much difference in doing the MBA now or in a year.

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