Should I try for the CPA now or should I go for a Macc?

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  • #166314

    Trying to figure out what’s going to be the best route from me and I would love to hear from anyone else who’s been in a similar situation. Long story short, I live in Ohio have a non-business related BA and decided to get into accounting. I’ve been taking courses at a local community college and will be finished this spring. I’ll have all my accounting reqs and will be well over 150 hours, so I was planning on sitting for the CPA exam in the following months. However, I was unable to get any internships and I still have zero experience actually working in accounting. Not only that, but I’m a little concerned as to how well prepared I am to sit for the CPA, even though I do plan on taking a review course.

    So I’m wondering, should I go ahead and take the CPA exam and hope that it’s enough to land me a job, even though I can’t technically be licensed until I have at least at least one year’s experience? Or, should I try to get into a Macc program for the possibility of better education, networking and internship assistance, and just the plus of actually having an accounting degree on my resume? Also, depending on the program I try for, I may have to wait a year to apply since the more prestigious programs are already past deadline for applications and scholarships. I’m looking to go somewhere in-state (Ohio), it seems that the most prestigious programs in-state are Miami and Ohio State, but again for those I would have to wait to apply for the 2013-2014 school year. I’ve heard more than one person say Cleveland State has a program better than OSU, plus it’s more affordable and I could get in for the 2012 school year still, but I can’t really find any independent comments about their program on the internet. Any ideas? Anyone else face a similar dilemma in the past?

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  • #324163

    I did both at the same time. It was harder than you can imagine but I'd just be starting my CPA right now if I finished my M.S. in Accounting first and thank GOODNESS I've got it all behind me! Now thats its over with I wouldnt have done it any other way!

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    I did CPA and MBA at the same time also (MBA is longer than MACC). I think it actually helped me to stay focus and even gave me an edge over the rest of the peers doing MBA alone.

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85

    See Pee A

    Did you mention you had a BA in some other degree program? To my knowledge you need a certain number of accounting credits to just sit for the exam (this may be specific to my state — GA). Considering your situation I know of many who majored in Finance or whatever else and then went into the Macc program to get another 30 credits so they could sit for the CPA. Find out your specific state's requirements, or find a state to list yourself with so you can at least take the exam.

    BEC 86 (08/30/11)
    FAR 84 (10/13/11)
    REG 88 (11/08/11)
    AUD 86 (11/29/11)

    Exam prep - Becker self-study


    I appreciate all the responses already, but maybe my question wasn't clear. Here's the rundown.

    I have a non-accounting BA.

    I'm currently taking all the accounting and business courses I need to sit for the CPA.

    I will be qualified to sit for the CPA at the end of this semester.

    However, I haven't been able to get an internship or any other work in accounting yet.

    So, even though I don't need a Macc to qualify to sit for the CPA, should I get into a Macc program to give me an edge in finding a job in the future?


    Ok heres my .02, if you don't need the MACC to sit then don't do it yet. Thats an expensive gamble to take!

    If I were you I'd try to get a job with tuition reimbursement to pay for the MACC. (but if you have that kind of money at your disposal we need to talk LOL!)

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    I've included a few threads below that seem to relevant to your question. My position has been pretty consistent in that I think work experience and professional designations trump academic degrees. Some people have argued that it is tough to get the experience without a Masters. I dont know if this is true or not. It seems that by networking and/or taking on an internship or entry level position, you should be able to get some experience. I also think that taking an UNPAID internship for a year will give you a lot more experience and put you further ahead than paying out of pocket to get a MAcc.


    Minimorty, I agree 100% that experience is better than just education, I'm just getting antsy because I haven't been able to find any sort of internship or job… and as far as a “job” is concerned, I'm signed up with temp agencies and more than willing to work for barely more than minimum wage just to get some experience (and this is coming from someone who used to make 60k-70k a year) but so far nothing. Maybe I will have more luck once I've actually completed my certificate in accounting, it's just that people seem confused since I have a bachelor's degree, but it's not in accounting or finance and I'm looking for accounting jobs.


    Most of the people that get a MACC are doing it so they will be eligible to sit for the exam plus there is an added bonus of getting a masters degree. I wouldn't do it if you can sit for the CPA exam. Once you pass the CPA or at least some of it then it will probably be easier for you to get a job with an accounting firm. You have to look at it from their perspective… they want you to pass the CPA exam and that is really all they care about as long as you are a fit for the company.

    BEC - Feb 2012: 80
    AUD - Feb 2012: 84
    FAR - Apr 2012: 78
    REG - May 2012: 90

    Thanks Becker!


    @thewestexit – I'm in the same boat: Non-Business BA, all requirements complete, waiting for examiners to give me the green light. Without a Acc/Fin degree, you're going to have a really hard time getting your foot in the door unless you have a contact. They figure someone with a business background will be more successful with the CPA testing, which is a reasonable conclusion.

    That being said, once (hopefully) you pass all 4 exams, things should quickly get better. I've spoke with recruiters, guest speakers at my previous school, friends of friends who are CPAs, and they all said passing is the line in the sand. If you have reasonable work experience and you've passed the exams, you should be able to get something going.

    @MLA is right – If you're not getting reimbursed, you're taking on a lot of debt/work that you may not have to if you passed.


    The value of a MAcc for someone in your position is placement and access to firm recruiters. Entry-level hires at larger firms are done almost exclusively through on-campus recruiting. Everything else is “Experienced” hires and since you have no experience you really don't fit that category. Most recruiters are too busy trying to coordinate their outfits for the next campus event that they can't be bothered to deal with applicants that don't fit neatly into one of the two categories.

    Most MAcc programs (atleast the ones worth paying for) have spring internships built into the program. If you want to work for a national or regional firm then you should try to find one of these programs. If you just want to work in accounting, go see a local financial recruiter and see if they can place you in an entry-level position a local firm with your current resume.


    P.S. I went through a somewhat similar deal. Graduated with a BS in Acct and went straight to law school so no accounting experience. Didn't get a decent job out of law school, so I went for accounting firms. Had no luck dealing with recruiters, only got one interview through a family connection with a partner. Found out I could still use the career services at my undergrad, went through on-campus interviews even though I graduated 3.5 years prior (looks on interviewers' faces as they pieced together my resume timeline were excellent), and got few offers from regional firms (Big4 were still too confused as to where I fit on their recruiting flowcharts).


    Dude ! Ohio State University ! Cleveland is not exactly much of a competition …

    if u get a chance in Ohio State … Take it ! i personally got rejected lol … they didnt even bother to send me a rejection letter…

    But i would say TAKE THE CPA >.. dont make my Master's Mistake !

    Good luck 🙂

    its not bad to get a masters degree .. especially from Ohio State … its a good university … but if u get ur CPA .. and it doesnt really take long to do it … I really doubt that havin a masters degree will matter … of course its good prestige for the future … but I would go for the CPA if i go back in time ..


    I got my M.Acc. so I can get enough units to sit for the exam in CA. I have a B.S. in biology, so I never did accounting anything related to that in college.

    Good luck… but I would say, if you have enough units to sit for the exam, forget the MAcc and get the CPA.

    BEC: Done
    REG: Done
    AUD: Done
    FAR: Done

    I'M DONE!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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