Should I go for a Master's in Accounting even though I have an MBA? - Page 3

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  • #160808

    Hi people,

    Just need some advice and suggestions on how I should approach my accounting future. I finished my MBA – Accounting from Keller (Graduate division of Devry) about 2 years ago. I have a really good GPA (3.7), and I have some years of experience of accounting in private industries under my belt (3 years of being staff accountant). I really want to get into public accounting, and I have tried and tried to breakthrough with no avail. Networking and job assistance at Keller/DeVry is a joke… I sometimes regret going there…

    As for the CPA exam, I am working on them right now. None passed so far, but I am really aiming for finishing it by the end of this year.

    Something that piqued my interest recently is that CSUN is offering a Master’s in Accounting program this fall, and with a 7/31st deadline, I can still get into it right now if I wanted to.

    My question is, should I go back and get another master’s for the whole chance of getting networking and interning opportunities? It feels like it might be a waste of a $20000, to $30000 just for that… but then again, I spent $50000 at Keller/DeVry for hopes of getting into public accounting with no result…

    Does anyone have advice on how I can get my foot in the door into public accounting?

    Any feedback will be appreciated!


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  • Author
  • #344286

    Master in accounting will give a certified public accountant a step up in base pay and increase marketability. You will have so many different job opportunity with degree in master in Accounting. If you are looking to get info for what type of jobs you will get with master in accounting degree visit

    However MBA in accounting will get the management type position rather then being a low level accounting position.

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