Should I go for a MAcc?

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  • #176410

    Hey guys, I’m looking for some advice. I’m considering going after a MAcc (mostly for the networking / recruiting). Here’s the problem – I graduated a little over two years ago and only have some lite bookkeeping experience under my belt. Do you think going to grad school for the networking would be useless in my case – since I’ve been out of school for over two years have no real accounting experience?

    I work as a bookkeeper at a small auto part shop and haven’t been able to break into a real accounting job. When I was in school, I was an idiot and didn’t participate in any internships, campus recruiting, or anything and after graduation I moved several states away (to my home town) with no work experience or anything lined up. I did attempt the CPA and passed BEC right off the bat, but then failed FAR and AUD a couple of times and gave up.

    I’ve been continuing to look for a better job, but with no avail. Do you think going after a MAcc would be a wise decision for me? I know recruiters come early (in the Fall, I believe) but I feel like I have nothing to sell them on. But then again, I’m going nowhere at the moment. What do you guys think?

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  • #407459

    It is an expensive way to get yourself out there, but I'd say it could be worth it. I just graduated with my MACC in December and the networking opportunities that were at my disposal were pretty fantastic. However, I would check to see if the school you are considering has good networking opportunities available. Not all schools are created alike in that department.


    Pass the CPA Exam…Pass the CMA Exam…join your state society of CPAs to network.

    Skip the MAcc


    I'd also say that Jeff's ideas are good, cheaper alternatives for networking, especially if you don't need the MAcc for credits (which it doesn't look like you do).


    Ditto Jeff. In WA our state society of CPAs is pretty freaking awesome. Lots of opportunities there.


    Like OP, I'm interested in pursuing an MAcc, but it's because I've been in tax for a couple years and my previous employer was unable to provide the opportunity to do an audit rotation.

    Where I live and work, it sure seems like barely any employers will hire you at entry-level auditing unless you're still in school (or is this just big 4? I might have a pretty biased view here). I've looked at various graduate programs, and many individuals seem to use grad school as a way to switch to a different industry in addition to enhancing their career. Also, many of the recruiters who've contacted me are more interested in hiring for senior positions and above. With the reasoning above, I figured MAcc is one way to get a do-over.

    However, sounds like the consensus here is to skip the MAcc…may I ask why? Is it primarily because of financial reasons (how costly it is)?

    CPA license in progress....


    @Mortimer87: I wouldn't discount your bookkeeping experience. I still like to believe that every little thing helps you as an accountant, even if it doesn't necessarily snag a public accounting career.

    If you're an accounting major, I know of many undergraduates who went straight to graduate school. They might not have as much experience either. Most likely you're all on the same boat here, so don't worry too much about that!

    If you weren't an accounting major (but did take enough credits to sit for the CPA), there are graduate programs that are tailored toward non-majors. You'll need to look at the courses in detail, but maybe this would be a better fit?

    CPA license in progress....


    Well – of you have a cpa certificate … what exactly does a MAcc get you?


    @Jeff I think colleges/MAcc programs are bar none the best pipeline for getting a job at a top firm. It really depends what your goals are.

    That being said, I hate my MAcc program. I had already interned with my firm and didn't need to do it. But if you get a 4.0 in your first semester, and you don't have a job lined up, you're good to go.


    Jeff I will agree that in most cases having a CPA should be good enough. I actually never seriously thought about a graduate degree prior to this year because of that. I would be careful if anyone here is in tax though and would like to make manager or above. Starting to see higher level tax positions that require both a CPA and a MST.

    CPA license in progress....


    @ splinter I interned with someone this summer who was doing tax and she said two of the Big 4 wouldn't even consider her because she was not getting a MST.


    I had no choice but to get my MACY. My state requires 150 hours to be eligible and I only graduated with 122 after my bachelors. If you can forgoe it then by all means do so! If you're worrying about the cost I would find a university that might have a medium cost of tuition. I know people who get their MACY or MBA's from top universities and although it's great they were overwhelmed with the tuition.


    I got my MAcc, but so far I have worked in public accounting and government accounting and it has made no difference in my career besides giving me the 150 hours to get certified assuming I one day pass the CPA exam. Nobody has really cared about my MAcc. Looking back, I don't think it was worth it. My opinion is to just get your CPA. At this point I feel that a CPA + MAcc is just redundant.

    FAR - F (2011), 5/16
    AUD - F(2011)
    BEC -
    REG -

    2nd attempt at this thing. Time to get serious.


    Can you just enroll in one class at the school that offers to Macc to get access to the career services and Meet the Firms opportunities?

    I am getting my Masters in Accountancy because my undergraduate degree isn't related to accounting at all. I needed the business and accounting units to sit for the CPA exam.

    I know that my state, CA, in 2017 will require a master's degree to get your CPA licence. But, until then 150 units anywhere is fine. There really wouldn't be a good reason for you to enroll in a full blown Macc program.

    BEC -69, 69
    REG -77 (expired), 79
    FAR - ?
    AUD - 65, 67


    Splinter…Regarding high level tax jobs, I agree. I have seen a lot of job postings asking for CPA + MST recently. May I ask for opinions on the best MST programs out there?


    Here is an interesting survey that rates some of the top MST programs according to hiring authorities and alumni. I am currently finishing up my MST at Bentley University (Hybrid Format) and I would highly recommend it. Let me know if you have any questions about it.

    ~ You Stay Classy, San Diego

    FAR - 77
    BEC - 82
    REG - 81
    AUD - 84

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