Quitting current job or MSA program or Delay CPA exam after job offer

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  • #162341


    I am just weighing my options right now… just need some input…

    …a little background of myself so far…

    I started my MSA program a few month ago, just as the recruiting season started to heat up. I worked my butt off networking, interviewing, befriending people, etc and ended up with a few job offers at mid-tier/regional firms and I am waiting on the results of my in house interviews with a few of the Big 4.

    One of the reasons why I started the MSA program is because of the campus recruiting opportunities. I kinda didn’t have that during my undergrad, and I tried getting in to public accounting through experienced hire, but that never panned out. I have my educational requirements for the CPA exam, and I have passed a few so far, so MSA is adding nothing for me in terms of that.

    Right now, I think I have bitten way more than I can chew… juggling a full time job, school at night, and studying for AUD exam (haven’t even started studying for AUD, and it’s just a month away)…

    So here is my dilemma… I don’t think I will be able to continue this for long. I am thinking of dropping something out of the 3… but nothing stands out as a better choice and if I could, I wish I wouldn’t have to drop any.

    #1: Drop the MSA program, since I have completed my objective.

    #2: Quit my job, since I have one lined up already.

    #3: Delay the CPA exam after I complete my MSA program.

    For me, #1 is preferable, because it’s the least beneficial for me as of now. However, I am afraid of how that will affect my job offers that got so far. Will they renege on the offer once they see that I didn’t complete my MSA? Is there a relationship with the school that the job offer is contingent on me completing my MSA? Does anyone know how job offers work anyway, especially with the Big 4?

    If my job offers are contingent on me completing the MSA program, #2 becomes the most likely choice… but losing income is going to hurt…

    I really don’t think #3 is possible because I’m sure that it will get harder to complete as I delay it. My 18 month timer is running as well, which is another issue.

    If anyone have any input regarding this, I would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks.

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  • Author
  • #304911

    I agree that if at all possible, don't choose door #3. Can you just ask the recruiters if your finishing your MSA was the basis for their decision on you? Could you take one semester off to finish the exam, and then start back before they even knew you had done it? And then if they don't care, you don't have to go back to school? I would think the MSA would be less important than the CPA, and firms hire without that all the time.

    AUD - 88
    FAR - 90
    REG - 85
    BEC - 88


    If you choose not to do all of those things I get it, but just so you know it is possible to work full time, be in a MSA program and do the exam. Even with kids, it can be done 🙂 Welcome to my world.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    I am with you mla. I am getting my masters' studying, working mother of 2 young boys and wife (whew that is mouth full) but to the original poster I believe that my life style is not for everyone. So If I were you I would drop #1. I choose that because u can always go back to school. you don't want to quit your job because you just never know what may happen in between time. you don't want to quit the CPA because that is the best option to advance yourself and by quitting you risk expiration of your passed exams. There are no expiration for school credit. Please let us know when one you decided and good luck.

    FAR 76
    REG 76(2x)
    BEC FAILED (2x)
    AUD FAILED (2x)

    "When you don't give up, YOU CANNOT FAIL"


    Pass the CPA, b/c you don't want to lose your 18months. Stretch out your MSA. Voluntarily quitting your job, unless you are being physically assaulted daily, is not a great idea (there's health/medical benefits to also consider if your job is linked to it).

    Couldn't pass again!


    Quit the job if you already have one lined up. What kind of gap in employment will it be? How much it cost to quit msa? If u.drop out will ur offers remain in tact or they expect u to have the degree when u start?



    Yes… delaying the exams is prolly the least likely of what I'd do… I really don't want to study for FAR again… lol

    As for quitting my current job, thats because I have an offer for a position a year from now… but as I mentioned, that's something I want some help on.

    Do the offers get taken away if I don't finish school? Is anyone a campus recruiter or know of one who can answer this question?

    I would ask the recruiters from the firms that I got my offers from, but I'm afraid of even mentioning it in front of them…


    Personally I would never quit a job without having a guaranteed one in place. You never know what will happen and you may not end up finding a job for a few months. With this economy I would hold onto your job.

    R PASS
    A PASS
    B PASS


    Quit school, take 6 months and knock out the exam, then be going in the fall when you start your job. They're not going to ask you for a progress report. If they do just say, “Yes I should be done by spring.” or whatever.

    AUD - 88
    FAR - 90
    REG - 85
    BEC - 88


    to officially become an employee at my b4, i had to provide them with an official transcript. (this was for my undergraduate degree though, so that may be more important).

    but i wouldn't attempt to BS them. be honest early in the process and figure out what your options really are.

    REG - 81
    BEC - 88
    AUD - 85
    FAR - 81

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