PhD in Accounting - Page 4

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  • #163888

    I’ve been thinking of possibly teaching on the college level and have been toying with the idea of getting a PhD in Accounting…Just curious if anyone has gotten one/plans on getting one and why…Or knows anything about teaching Accounting, or getting a PhD in it…


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  • #334262

    Great resources! Thanks for the post!

    B - 79 PASSED (1/4 there!)
    A - 77 PASSED (1/2 there!)
    F - 79 PASSED (3/4 there!)
    R - 83 PASSED (DONE!!!!!!)
    Review Course: Lambers , Wiley and Ninja


    Where'd the post go?


    I wondered the same thing… Glad I still had both windows open on my Internet Explorer.

    One site was

    One other was

    The other was an article I didnt read.

    Dont know why the post disappeared. But if anyone wants these links better save them now just in case! =P

    B - 79 PASSED (1/4 there!)
    A - 77 PASSED (1/2 there!)
    F - 79 PASSED (3/4 there!)
    R - 83 PASSED (DONE!!!!!!)
    Review Course: Lambers , Wiley and Ninja



    I didn't have a chance to check out those websites yet and was wondering where the links went…


    I'm going to have to agree with valueofnothing: if you want a PhD make it a full time commitment. You should be wiling to give up years of salary and be ready to live off a stipend if that's the life you decide to pursue. I'd study a few months for the GMAT ,and try to get into the very best program you can. Doing something like this on-line, while working doesn't seem like a great idea. If you are going to make a career out of academia, “fancy name” and reputation is everything. Then again, the decision is ultimately yours, but you should go into it eyes wide open.

    By the way value, what year did you graduate? I'm also a Nittany Lion 🙂

    FAR(11/14/11)- 92
    AUD(01/04/12)- 91
    REG(05/30/12)- 93
    BEC(07/21/12)- 88

    CPA - Michigan


    I don't know why the posts disappeared. I've posted a couple of times in this thread and they both disappeared.



    When I had that happening, I think Minimorty (in his moderator days) had told me that some of my posts were getting sent to spam. Maybe that is what is happening to your posts.


    @Acct: Maybe when I posted links, the board software thinks I'm linkspamming 🙂

    spam spam spam spam, eww, bloomin' vikings!


    I saw this site.

    100 Reasons NOT to Go to Graduate School

    It is mainly about humanities and social science, but so far hasn't made a good case against Accounting PhD's yet.


    I'm still entertaining the idea of going for this.

    Too bad the ADS program is no longer active, this would be a great boost.

    The funding will support application to doctoral programs in accounting and also provide a stipend of $30,000 per year for up to four years of enrollment to individuals committed to teaching and research in auditing and tax—the areas of greatest need—upon completion of their doctorates. The Program will support its fourth and final class of Accounting Doctoral Scholars for enrollment in the Fall of 2012. Don’t let this once in a lifetime opportunity pass you by.


    To answer the question about what professors do besides teach, whoever said research hit the nail on the head. My husband is a professor in Political Science at an R1 research institute. His tenure decision wil be based on 3 things – teaching, service to the university, and research. His teaching and service are excellent, his research agenda is just getting off the ground. If he is going to get tenure, he will need to have 5-7 publications in scholarly journals over the next few years. Regardless of how good his teaching & service are, without the research component he will not get tenure.

    Also – don't forget grading. It's a huge component of teaching, and if you give any kind of exam or assignment that's not multiple choice, the grading takes a LONG time. We don't have many papers in Accounting but I've written a few.

    @mla, I did one assignment for an online class where I had to coordinate with one other student. Thankfully it wasn't a whole group, just 2 of us. He lived in the same town so he just came to my house one day & we got it done but I can imagine the nightmare of trying to coordinate a true group assingment online. That would be terrible.

    ~ Kate... MTX!
    CPA exam on hold while I homeschool my 6 year old!


    another place besides academia, is government. If you have a PhD in anything, you can start at a higher pay scale than if you had a bachelor's degree.

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