MBA in Forensic Accounting from Southern New Hampshire University???

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  • #165048

    I am exploring some possibilities for an MBA in Forensic Accounting and I found the above university. It has classes online and on campus…acceptable tuition fees… but I cannot figure out if it is accredited at an acceptable level. If anyone has any information on this university, I would really appreciate your input.

    Many thanks,


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  • #320547

    Doesn't sound like its worth it unless its really cheap and you have experience in that field already. Otherwise pass on it…



    I got my bachelors and masters from snhu. It is not accredited but my state (MA) accepted it. Best I can say is check with your state board.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    Thank you for the input , Herbieherb and mla1169 ,

    I have already all the credits I need…I am considering an MBA in forensics in order to improve my chances to get a job with a smaller, regional public accounting company (Wiplfi??) as an entry level auditor .

    When I will be ready to apply for a job it would be 15 months post graduation ,without any experience in accounting (I have been a banker for 8 years) and I am not that young , anymore ,either. I feel like should “sweeten” the offer a little, but I already have a major in Business Forensics , and I hope to also pass the CFA exam before August. It makes sense to pass up an MBA right now…but I feel so anxious about my chances of finding a job in this economy!!!!

    Thanks again for your input…I have nobody around here to give me an advice,



    It is accredited. Where did you get the idea it is not?


    Bob it's not AACSB accredited which is actually the relevant accreditation in this scenario. After 6 years as a student there I am confident I can speak knowledgeably to the question.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.



    Did it serve you well , to have a master from snhu? Do you think it it did or it will ease your way into a better career , along with the CPA designation? Or did you find yourself thinking that a masters from a more reputable university would have made a difference, as a CPA?


    @lauramaria…I don't think getting a MBA in forensic will significantly improve your chance getting employed as an auditor. I believe having a CPA is way more important than a MBA. Forensic accounting is very different from auditing. If you are looking for something extra after you finish your CPA, you might want to consider a C.I.A. (certified internal auditor)…it's easier, quicker, and way cheapter than a MBA.


    I can't really speak specifically to forensic but here's my humble opinion. The job market is tough right now even for people with all the degrees and certifications they are able to get. The MBA is an advantage for sure but it is no guarantee. So the bigger question is “is it worth the risk financially with no guarantee on the other end”. For me personally the answer would be not right now but you may be willing to go with it. I do believe it would pay off for you, just not sure when.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.

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