MAcc Help!

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  • #176890

    Hi Everyone,

    I’m currently in a bitter sweet situation now. I recently passed my last part of the CPA and I’m currently enrolled in a MAcc program. I’m in the middle of the first two classes of the program but I really don’t like it. The recruitment of the school is lacking and the curriculum isn’t challenging. Once I received the final score, I applied to a more reputable school in the region and got accepted. The new school will not accept transfer credits. Pretty much…I’m going to have to repeat the classes I’m currently taking in the new school. I tried to withdraw from the old school but they said it’s too late for that. I would receive F’s in both classes (that’s the scary part).

    Question is…would those Fs impact me later on? Obviously, I have no intentions of including that school on my resume or reporting I ever went there. Would a future employer be able to find out about these courses?


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  • #407917

    There is no way an employer can get these course grades, unless you request that they be sent to them.

    BEC: 93 4/18/13
    FAR: 89 7/3/13
    REG: 90 8/30/13
    AUD: 95 11/29/13



    “Question is…would those Fs impact me later on?”


    “Obviously, I have no intentions of including that school on my resume or reporting I ever went there.”

    Well then, probably not. Although note that many job applications ask you to disclose ALL past schools & grades.

    “Would a future employer be able to find out about these courses? “

    If you choose not to disclose, then probably not, but who knows.

    “I tried to withdraw from the old school but they said it's too late for that. I would receive F's in both classes (that's the scary part). “

    It sounds like then you wouldn't get your tuition refunded anyways. My suggestion, suck it up and finish your current classes and then drop out after the term. If anything it is good, if expensive, practice for the same courses you'll be taking at your new school.

    REG - Passed!!
    BEC - Passed
    FAR - Passed
    AUD - Passed

    Study Materials: Becker basic course


    Thanks for the advice everyone! Something I left out of the original post is that there's an exam in a few days plus a MAJOR deadline at work. I had to make a decision between either studying all weekend and falling behind on work or working all weekend and dropping the class. I think I decided to drop the classes.


    Thanks for the advice everyone! Something I left out of the original post is that there's an exam in a few days plus a MAJOR deadline at work. I had to make a decision between either studying all weekend and falling behind on work or working all weekend and dropping the class. I think I decided to drop the classes.


    Thanks for the advice everyone! Something I left out of the original post is that there's an exam in a few days plus a MAJOR deadline at work. I had to make a decision between either studying all weekend and falling behind on work or working all weekend and dropping the class. I think I decided to drop the classes.

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