Does anyone here have an eMBA?

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  • #1325969

    Thinking about an eMBA after the CPA, but I’m too old/far into my career to do the normal MBAs.

    BEC - 87 | 02/28
    REG - 70 | 06/10, REMATCH | 08/30
    AUD - XX | 09/10
    FAR - XX | 12/10

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  • Author
  • #1326079

    Are these downloadable on the Kindle?


    I did my entire undergrad, and grad school online at SNHU. Was the only way I could do college while Woking full time and raising two kids alone. My degree is the same as any alumni who attended the brick and mortar school.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    Why are you two talking about an ONLINE degree? lol

    eMBA = Executive MBA

    BEC - 87 | 02/28
    REG - 70 | 06/10, REMATCH | 08/30
    AUD - XX | 09/10
    FAR - XX | 12/10


    Lower case e generally implies “electronic” any executive MBA program I've seen is entirely capitalized. Hope you find the info you're looking for.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    So…is an Executive MBA the same as a regular MBA, just offered with a schedule that accommodates working adults? That's what I'm finding Googling…

    If so, then I'd say most MBAs are executive MBAs, since most MBA students are individuals who are working full-time and can't just take a year or two off of work to go to school full-time. If EMBA is just an MBA that can be taken while working, then I'm getting an EMBA currently, though I'd never seen it labeled as such. I'm taking 1 course at a time (accelerated courses, so 2 per semester), exams are on the weekend, and I work more-than-full-time (as do pretty much all accountants…) at the same time.

    The only other common feature of executive MBAs that I saw was some flexibility in the course work (i. e., instead of having to get it in Accounting and take x Accounting hours, you can get it with no specialization and just take core courses and electives); that's also offered through my school, though not labeled an “EMBA”.


    Yeah I think so Lilla, but then again my experience with MBA programs are they are mostly filled with 40 something managers so I'm not entirely sure how much older/further along than a typical MBA candidate op is.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager

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