Yes and no.
With this piss poor economy, people can barely afford getting a BA/BS now, let alone tagging on MORE DEBT from grad school.
Yes they are starting become more “commonplace” but like someone mentioned,it depends on your career path. Also, you have to think about cost/returns. To me having a better chance at getting a job is worth the 70K in debt I will be after getting my MAcc. Still on the fence about getting my MBA accounting since I'd to become a CFO one day,a career goal of mine but this may change after i attain my BA in Accounting.
For me personally, I do NOT think a MBA is all that worth the 30K of student loans.
I have to keep in mind that I would like to buy a house one day, purchase a decent pre owned vehicle, have a savings….blah blah blah blah blah. 70K(student loans) is like buying a nice starter home! Thank God I am getting married soon and will have the extra supplemental income from my fiance. I already calculated that my loans will be about 1k.
Its hard to juggle is getting into a shitload of debt for a job that may pay b/n 50-70k is worth it?
Most people will have the typical bills: Rent/Mortgage, utilities, auto insurance, savings, grocery and NOW STUDENT LOANS! 4K/mo.income as an individual is NOT going to cut it let alone for a family. Talk about living the “American Dream”. On top of this I have to get my FICO up to 800 so I can get a decent loan on a house. No wonder every time I watch House Hunters on HGTV, the couples buying a house are typically in their late 30s. Our parents were able to buy homes in their mid 20s! I told my fiance that I am not going to buy a house until Im 35. lol
Thank you congress for giving a year of relief!(rolls eyes) Its not really helpful for those who are still in school though.
All Im saying is After I get my MAcc and CPA license, I “may” go for another designation (BIG) MAYBE lol but I more than likely will be ending my ‘higher institution” education for once and for all!