OT: I’m officially a CMA

  • Creator
  • #173148

    Just found out I passed part 2. Took both parts in the recent window. Used Gleim for studying. Would recommend. Relied heavily on audio lectures while driving to/from work. Go me. 🙂

    B 79
    A 75
    R 78
    F 85

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  • Author
  • #412078

    Congrats! How much studying did you do for the CMA compared to the CPA? I am thinking about taking the CMA this fall while I can take advantage of the student discount, but I'm not sure how much time I need to commit to it.

    B- 8/13/2012- 92
    A- 7/19/2012- 83
    R- 5/30/2012-82
    F- 7/3/2012- 90


    Nice! I'm going to jump on the CMA this fall as well … for kicks and giggles.


    I didn't do nearly as much studying. I made a point to read the study guide for about 45 minutes per day and then listened to lectures about 2 hours per day. Didn't really tackle the MCQs until a few weeks before the exams. There are many topics from the CPA exams that are covered so it was easy to be familiar with those areas again. The only big differences in the MCQs is that the questions were much more involved. I remember in one of the exams that I had to scroll down to see the rest of the question which I was not thrilled about.

    Overall though, they were easier than the CPA, but I still had to put in a decent amount of effort to pass. I would recommend Gleim over the IMA's study materials too. Bought them both and Gleim's materials were much more straight to the point where as I felt IMA had a lot of fluff.

    B 79
    A 75
    R 78
    F 85


    Where did you get the lectures? I couldn't find any current ones.

    Pom lover


    Gleim has a powerpoint type lecture series

    Wiley has a cma review that has a powerpoint with the books and software but no lectures.

    These are both updated for the current exams


    A little off topic, but what exactly did you need to do to document work experience for the CMA? I was able to procure the Gleim books for free and plan on tackling the CMA after I complete the last section of the CPA, but I'm a little unsure as to what exactly qualifies as work experience and how you need to go about proving/documenting it.

    Thanks in advance…


    You can call IMA at 800-638-4427 and ask to speak to the exam certification assistant and she can help you with any info you need. There is a form you have to fill out and email to her for the work experience.

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