(CMA) Certified Managerial Accountant – Worth It? Career Switch Advice?

  • Creator
  • #187508

    Hi All,


    I’m a CPA who spent three years in lower level (accounts payable/accounting clerk) positions, acquired a Master in Taxation, spent nearly three years practicing taxation (mostly business taxation) and have now moved on to a Senior Tax Accounting position at a large corporation.


    I’m considering moving back into true, month to month, financial accounting and stepping into a Senior Accountant role. It would be a step down in salary for me, but would allow me access to more jobs closer to my home and allow me to spend more time with my family (I commute 12 hours a week).


    Has anybody acquired their CMA and found that it really helped them get in the door or at least get a few interviews with businesses? I’m considering picking it up, along with some ADP certifications as well considering almost all payroll seems to go through ADP nowadays.


    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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  • Author
  • #584936
    mena je twa

    Bro –

    Your CPA will take you places, you have some good experiences as well and so to get a position in a company to close the books etc, like a full time senior accountant , you dont need a CMA.

    You can do it for personal reasons but i dont think it will help you, since you have your CPA.

    Licensed CPA, Texas - 2012


    @ Smith

    CMA requires faster math calculations (and abilities). This is probably why they make more money, which the IMA brags about.

    There are few benefits to testing for both, however, the CMA is good if you enjoy studying business strategies, plans, models, pro-formas…

    And you want to sell yourself as a specialist in those areas.

    Check out the CMA thread:


    BA Mathematics, UC Berkeley
    Certificates in CPA and EA preparation, College of San Mateo
    CMA I 420, II 470
    FAR 91, AUD Feb 2015 (Gleim self-study)


    @ M.O.D- I'm waiting for my Part II results as well and the wait is killing me. Do you have any idea if we're going to get our results this week or next?

    FAR- 70, 68, 90
    AUD- 72, 85
    REG- 74, 83
    BEC- 81
    ETHICS- 90

    CA CPA


    I answered you in the CMA thread.

    BA Mathematics, UC Berkeley
    Certificates in CPA and EA preparation, College of San Mateo
    CMA I 420, II 470
    FAR 91, AUD Feb 2015 (Gleim self-study)

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