Work Hours per Week? required vs actual

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  • #168724

    Just wondering what other firms had you working right now during this, the most wonderful time of the year.

    Our minimum required hours this week is 60.

    I have been doing 70-75 for about a month. So not too terrible ,it seems. We also get our overtime paid out, so at least I have that whole “work an hour get paid for an hour” mentality keeping my here on those late nights.

    Im having a little trouble concentrating right now, so I’m taking a break!

    Texas CPA
    Licensed 03/12

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  • #336090

    My boss is 69 and wants to retire. He can't do that until I get my license so he lets me go at 5pm every day to go home and study.


    That is awesome!! Will you be taking over for him?

    Texas CPA
    Licensed 03/12


    Yes. He has one daughter that is a CPA in Alabama and has no desire to move back home, a son who is a Financial Planner, and another daughter who works for us three days a week and is “challenged”. There is a lot of pressure on me to pass because he is a 3 time cancer survivor and he really just wants to spend some time with his wife. He is very supportive and the best boss anyone could ask for. I have a sweet deal if I can just get over this freaking exam!


    Wow, that is a lot of responsibility for you. What a great opportunity, though! You are going to get over this exam, or through it (however your mental pictures are, mine are always busting through my obstacles Hulk/KoolAide Man style). I don't see any give up attitude coming from you. Say “when” you get through, because you have the ability. Nothing can stop you if you won't let it. Not that you need encouragement from me…

    You are in LA right? My mom was born in Shreveport, and I have some family currently in the Lake Charles area.

    Texas CPA
    Licensed 03/12


    Yes, it is a lot of responsibility but when I get off this slow train ride through hell I know that things are going to be drastically different. The really aggravating part of this exam is that knowing my clients as well as I do now I know that I will never use a lot of the stuff on this exam, which is why I may be having such a hard time learning some of it. I don't practice it. I will probably never have to do a Corporate AMT, none of my clients have foreign subsidiaries and none of them even know what a present value technique is let alone how it will impact their financial statements. I have always done well on the Sims for FAR probably because I do that kind of thing every day. It's the MCQ's that kill me every time. I don't do very many income tax returns and the wildest thing on a return that I will ever see is foreign income taxes paid because we have a lot of tax clients working overseas in the oil fields. I always suck at the Sims on REG and do well on the MCQ's. Go figure! If I didn't love the governmental audits so much I guess I could have just said I will do everything but those. But in order to do those types of audits you have to be a CPA. I live in Many, which is between Shreveport and Lake Charles on Hwy 171. I'm just far enough south to get good food and just far enough north to avoid any hurricane evacuations.


    I can see that being extremely frustrating!! I struggled with Audit a lot for the same reason. I am, very specifically, in the tax department. I kept thinking “who care if something goes before or after the opinion paragraph”. Overall I had everything down well enough to pass and made probably the stupidest mistake ever on about 4 of my SIMS. I don't want to get into trouble with disclosure, so I will just say what I messed up on is what you learn DAY ONE of Principals of Accounting One.

    I've probably been up 171 and just don't remember. We used to go to Shreveport a lot before my Granny died. Lately I've only gone up 165 to KINDER! I'm in Houston, and it's only about a 3 hour drive.

    I think I may have a gambling problem!

    Texas CPA
    Licensed 03/12


    I'm headed to Houston on Monday. I couldn't get both REG and FAR scheduled anywhere in Louisiana when I needed the so I'm going to Clear Lake to test. I love Clear Lake!


    Im in Deer Park! I tested at the Prometric on Diana Lane too!! I assume that is the one you are going to?

    I love Clear Lake too. It is a nice town.

    Are you taking two tests on one day???

    Texas CPA
    Licensed 03/12


    That is exactly where I am going! Yes I'm taking REG at 8am and FAR at 12:30. It's going to be a long day. I'm staying over Tuesday night because I don't want to sit for 8 hours at Prometric and then try to 4 hours home after dark.


    @ Kricket – you and I are in very similar situation. My boss is 72 and wants to retire ASAP. He has already offered me to buy him out once I pass this exam. I've work for him now 11 years and know our clients very well. I leave the office at 4:30 everyday and work till 1 or 2 on Saturdays right now. I also was taking work home on the weekends. But what I was doing was working 2 to 14 hour days on Saturdays and then on Sunday concentrate on studying. During the week I was working on Tuesday and Thursday nights from home. This past weekend I didn't bring anything home and I'm working just my 40 hours this week. Well I haven't asked yet, but I'm looking to go to the library all day Saturday, therefore not go into the office. I'm going to see how my week plans out.

    Started sitting in May 2002, on and off. But since 2008 I've been nonstop and my scores are....
    AUD - 39, 48, 56, 65, 68, 73, 76!!! (Finally passed in Oct 2011!!!) Becker, NINJA, & Wiley
    REG - 75 (Lost Credit) 72, 68, 73, 75 (Passed again in Aug 2011) Becker, NINJA, & Wiley
    FAR - 65, 68, 75 (Lost Credit) 68, 73, 73, 80 (Passed again in May 2012) Roger, NINJA, & Wiley
    BEC - 65, 68, 71, 72, 72, 71, 76 (Lost Credit)- 70, 76!!!! I AM DONE!!! - Roger, NINJA, & Wiley
    After 10 long years of studying, I AM DONE!!!! Finally a Licensed CPA in the State of New York!!


    @kricket, we are practically neighbors, I live in Moss Bluff, just outside of Lake Charles on 171


    I hate to use the cliche, but it fits in this situation: it's a small world!

    Two tests on one day. Wow. Good luck!!

    That is too funny though, about coming to my stomping grounds. I don't know which way you are coming in, but if you end up on Red Bluff Road ever, my wife and I live on that road in some apartments about 5 minutes north of Clear Lake (for about a week longer, then we move to our house in Deer Park).

    Look at me broadcasting my life on this forum. 🙂

    Check the traffic on I-45 if you are coming in that way. I think they had some construction heading south just past beltway on the way to Clear Lake. Are you getting up at 3 am to make it here in time for your test??

    Texas CPA
    Licensed 03/12


    @witchkizzie, who is your family in Lake Charles? I live just outside of Lake Charles and work in Lake Charles.


    It is my grandma, grandpa, and two uncles. Grandma and grandpa actually live in Moss Bluff and one of my uncles lives south of Lake Charles a little. Maybe south east is more his area. if you want to know more.

    Texas CPA
    Licensed 03/12


    Small world indeed! I'm driving down on Monday afternoon. There is no way I could get up that early and drive to Houston. I am NOT a morning person and I'm afraid road rage would prevent me from getting there on time or ever!

    @bnrhilton – I really, really, hate that bridge in Lake Charles! I hope you don't have to cross that monster every day to get to work.

    @JoMarie – My boss doesn't want me taking work home right now. He is seriously committed to me getting in as much study time as possible. I have been doing MCQ's on Wiley since 5:30 and I'm consistently getting 90's on FAR. Time to switch to REG!

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