Work Experience Must be At Same Job?

  • Creator
  • #1522603
    Ralphie Dos Nachos

    Hey guys,

    Maybe this varies by state, I’m in New York. Does the 1 year full-time/2 year part-time for licensing require that time to be at the same firm? or can I do a summer internship, then another during tax season, etc. and you can just add up all the different jobs hours you have under different CPA supervisors.

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  • Author
  • #1522785
    Ralphie Dos Nachos

    bump 🙂


    Very interested as well. From what I have read, it does not matter.


    It varies by state. Some states allow that but other requires a full year without any break best to contact your board to determine what their rules state.

    FAR - 2/16 - 78
    BEC - 2/16 - 78
    AUD - 8/16
    REG - 8/16

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