Why are accountants needed anymore when there are apps and software? - Page 3

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  • #1547262

    There are apps and software that completely do everything. All the small firms have been getting gobbled up by the large firms because they know their efforts are futile. And now the big firms are losing credibility so why would anyone want to hire or even become an accountant?

    And regardless of what you’ve learned in school, it is not even a stable or high paying career so that is not a valid response.

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  • #1547520

    Can we get a link to your blog on this? Would be nice to see how our contributions fit in.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    Not only auditor positions, but also facilitator/consulting work is incredibly important. The CPA of the future in a non-audit role may bridge the gap between different groups. Personally, I had to learn a lot about cypersecurity for my job and be able to sit down with IT personnel and explain their concerns to management. Sometimes management needs you to explain how certain software changes affects their A/R aging reports and how that affects their collections efforts. This isn't auditing; this is clear, concise communication from someone with a wide breadth of knowledge and knows which questions to ask. Anyway, I hope that tax gets simplified or automated–that field lends itself to being done by a computer for 90% of taxpayers. It's only for the rich that tax planning really can affect things it seems.


    I probably should add that I actually agree that if I were in school that I would do something else (comp. sci, math, engineering, etc). I honestly think that a lot of what we do is simply mandated with very little value actually being generated. It doesn't have to be the case and I'm proud of my work, but the profession as a whole seems to have validity through regulation and legal requirements. Even the external audit has become an exercise of fulfilling requirements and disclaiming liability if anything goes wrong. Again, this is still a good field for now, but I actually would not encourage a young, high school graduate to go into it. I only encourage older people or 2nd career people to transition into it.


    Every industry is affected by technology. Sure, automation will take away jobs.

    But accounting/finance and legal are two fields that will always be in demand in some way, shape, or form. No matter what.


    Random side note: I've never ever heard anyone call CPA's “nasty” or “rude”

    Most people think we are nerdy anti social math geniuses. I've Never heard anyone say “hey did you see that evil nasty CPA, what a douche bag!”

    AUD (2/16)-84
    REG (05/16)-69 Retake (7/16)-79 (ty ninja MCQ)


    Exactly, everyone here is attempting to become a CPA – not an accounts payable clerk (no offense to anyone who currently is). I understand your point about technology, but everyone here is working really, really hard to pass these exams and take the next step in our career.

    Goodluck to all of the candidates and let's keep passing these exams. Last time I checked the BLS, the median hourly wage for accountants and auditors was $36.89. That sounds nice to me!!


    I am not angry, just speaking the truth. Some people have more of an intuitive, information seeking, and objective mentality. Others are more emotional, submissive, and focused on pleasing others.

    Most accountants are nerdy pushovers, that's exactly the type of people they like to promote and take advantage of.

    I was young and naive once. Thought I was invincible and all the horror stories wouldn't apply to me. That is what's called “sitting in the ivory tower.” But you don't have to go far to see the reality of what people have had to deal with in this industry (many threads on this board, glassdoor.com, etc.)

    But I digress, I understand this is a CPA review forum with mostly younger people so I will respect that and not share the truthful reality of the industry with the forum any longer 🙂


    “Was” ???

    Hooo, my aching sides…

    B - 77 (2.27.16)
    A - 81 (4.18.16)
    R -
    F -

    Roger Review + Ninja MCQs


    ^That's whats called a troll post, no purpose or value added to the discussion, but none of you will mention that because you lack an objective mind.


    You lack discipline.


    @studysled interesting you say that because my first position out of university was with a top ten firm. I was very focused and did my job well. Even read up on standards and codification, had two parts of the exam passed at the time too. Then one of the HR manager's minions would come into work with an arrogant attitude and made himself look like a fool at client corporate offices, but guess what? He still has a job. Did he have discipline?

    On the other hand when I spoke up about it guess what I was told? To lighten up and that, “We aren't saving lives.”

    Not to mention during the interview process the out of towners were flown into the area and I was given a nice suite to stay in while others had a smaller room. The same HR manager said not to tell anyone. And guess what? They do the same thing when you discover fraud in the financial statements.

    Just saying, it has nothing to do with discipline. I'm just aware and acknowledge the truth of the industry.

    But I'm signing out for now, gotta get back on some REG. Later guys.


    A troll post is a weekly topic posted by someone posing as inquisitive about a topic but looking to get a rise out of people. Looking forward to your topic of the week next weekend. Might be time to circle back to happy hour peer pressure, but a good old secret society of big 4 recruiters never fails.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    Did it succeed in getting a rise out of people? You might want to consider why that is. Perhaps it's because you simply don't agree with the perspective? Well that hardly qualifies as a troll post. In most mature circles it's called a “difference of opinion.”


    So how is it when you don't like what I say it's rude and nasty? It's just a difference of opinion.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    Because I'm not interested in your opinion. You are free to post as you like of course, but I know for certain in my past threads in which you like to comment in, you always make it a personal matter while I try to focus on the topic at a higher/conceptual level. Nowhere in this thread should it have become a personal matter and the focus should have stayed on automation and the future of the industry.

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