Why are accountants needed anymore when there are apps and software?

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  • #1547262

    There are apps and software that completely do everything. All the small firms have been getting gobbled up by the large firms because they know their efforts are futile. And now the big firms are losing credibility so why would anyone want to hire or even become an accountant?

    And regardless of what you’ve learned in school, it is not even a stable or high paying career so that is not a valid response.

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  • #1547290

    There's no profession that's stable or lucrative as a whole, not one. There's individuals who do remarkably well and for every one there's 100 more that won't ever come close. Which group each of us falls into is entirely by choice.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    Not necessarily as much by choice, than by luck. Working in accounting firms is hardly about being the best accountant, but how much of a kiss ass one can be to keep their job.


    I'm not sure about that.The people I know who are very successful aren't who I'd call the ass kissers (the ass kissers do ok but I'm not talking ok, I'm talking about the MOST successful 1%)

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    Well if there is an accounting job where one can sit there and focus on their job without having to take part in the politics, I'd be happy to hear. Unfortunately, those jobs will all be taken by the robots and there will always be a higher up to kiss ass and answer to. Even if you start your own firm.


    You might not need accountants (which I don't think is true), but you will always need auditors to provide assurance that the software performed according to expectations.


    Here's the secret to succeeding in accounting whether public or private, no joke. As long as you make your employer believe they get more out of you than they pay you for, nobody cares whether you play the politics or even are a good accountant. If they think they can find twenty other people as competent if not more so for the same salary you're as dispensable as a paper towel. That's it. The secret to not only accounting but pretty much all jobs.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    Every forum has a troll. Someone who has to be provocative, get a rise, etc.

    It's hard enough to do this without someone trying to psych people out of what they're working so hard for.

    Here's an answer to the question which is not directed to the OP.

    Material Misstatement. That's why.

    When robotics automates whatever it is they do (dubious in this complex world) – then maybe we'll finally have the cashless society that the likes of Elon Musk see.

    Don't feed the trolls (I just did so I could add this last part).


    Op is just looking for discussion points for his LinkedIn group. Always happy to help.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    If someone is offered a job, and they accept the position and do their job, they should not have to worry about making anyone believe anything (that IS politics by the way). It shouldn't matter whether someone is more liked by the boss or makes the boss believe anything. I've seen employees get ahead and taken under the wing just because they were the son of a family friend of the boss's. I've seen a girl cry because she was too stressed out over not being able to reconcile bank accounts or fund balances, but because she was “sweet” and “cute” no one could stand to be mean to her lol. For a profession with such objective standards, the hiring practices and advancement of employees is certainly not.


    Nope is called capitalism not politics, and if you don't want to make anybody believe anything probably best to go find a cabin completely off the grid and live off the land.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    It has nothing to do with trolling, just because you don't agree with an opinion doesn't make it a troll. Bring valid evidence and feedback to the discussion if you have a point to make, don't derail and dismiss it as a troll post. It's a simple and honest discussion, if you can't handle it and are offended, then look the other way.


    I'm no prophet, but I see more need for auditors and accountants as people become more demanding with fiscal transparency and won't tolerate any appearance of corruption. However, I do agree that CPAs will soon look more like cyber-security personnel with business acumen or data analysts than traditional bean counters.


    Just by the way this thread went, you can tell how nasty and artificial people are in the accounting field.

    Simple discussion about automation and future of the accounting profession turned upside down within minutes. Very odd people in this profession and it's only a matter of time for the younger ones who are naive and doubt that eventually see it for themselves.


    @tg I partially agree with that, and I appreciate the honest feedback.

    Not sure why @M123 and @MLA have to troll and be so nasty.


    @brickel Where exactly does mla troll or is she nasty? First thing we need to learn as people is to read and listen to LEARN not to spit out a response.

    To your original comment. What is this “everything” you refer to that technology does? Just as in nature, in business those that adapt survive. People say Turbotax and the like deciminated the W-2 1040 business, we'll I say lok at HR block, they seem to be doing fine. I've Actualy seen full year “accounting/bookkeeping” HR block offices around nyc. Even though they make bilions of tax prep they are expanding into accounting services for steady stream of income. I saw a response on another one of ur post or maybe it was someone else's but surviving in business is “would u like fries with that” it's the upsell. I'm personally looking into getting my JD and LLM in taxation along with or maybe becoming a CFP. Why should “financial advisor” services be separate from tax planning/preparation? I say effective tax planning for upper and middle class is a continuous process not something that happens between feb-apr every year. Show me real evidence that job opportunities for accountants are declining. Show me real number that say it's a shitty ROI. Until then job stability and decent salary are exact reasons why being a accountant is good. Also please indicate are u commenting on accountants or CPAs? I'm a CPA, I'm in my late twenties and I make close to 100k. CPA license allowed me to demand more pay and allowed me to start my on successful tax and accounting practice.

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