Which path would you take?

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  • #1665322

    Currently a Sr. Accountant at a globally known mid-tier company (Company A). Been there for 1.5 years and making $80,000/yr.

    Path A: Stay with Company A, with possible promotion to Accounting Manager within the next year. Salary would likely increase to $90-95K. Stay another year or two as Manager, then test the market or continue growth to potentially becoming Controller.

    Path B: Controller with a small-tier company (same industry), essentially building the accounting department by scratch (start-up feel). Hoping to see growth to mid-tier company within the next year or two. Salary of $110K plus bonus. Benefits similar, if not the same to Company A, so ultimately negligible in the decision process.

    Which would you choose and why? I’m leaning toward Path B since this is a two position bump, as well as a significant pay increase. Path A is much more well-known and full of possibilities, but no guarantees. I still have the benefit of Company A on my resume, so I’m opting for Company B for the potential. Thoughts? Risks?

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  • #1665328

    You will have more responsibilities with B. Also, there are many challenges with B since you will have to build up your department. If you feel you have the competence and are able to do those, I would say go with B. You may find lots of problems during the set up and more pressure but you should learn a lot. How is the environment in B? If you like there and I mean the people and your new boss. Do you feel you will have good working environment in B. This may be considered too.


    B. Challenge yourself and reap the rewards.


    Thanks @ckcpa18 and @Bourne. My biggest fear is the long-term (meaning 2+ years) unknown of Path B. Since it's still in the initial growth stage and relatively niche, I'm not sure how viable it will be. But it does have good people and processes in place, so I'm optimistic the risk will lead to reward.


    I would vote B and save aggressively as a contingency plan.
    If the start up doesn't work out as planned, you will have a nest egg to fall back on while you look for other opportunities.
    As an accountant, you should be able to recognize sooner than the average bear, when you should start thinking about getting on the life raft before the ship goes down.


    Just remember management experience at a small company rarely gets accepted as management experience if you look to go to a larger company. I don't regret kind of painting myself in a corner as a manager at a small co but when I was looking at bigger companies they basically dismissed it as not relevant to the same position at a company with 10x the revenue.

    I would (and did) choose your option B.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    Thanks @ReckedRacking This is exactly what I'm planning to do. I'm essentially saving the increase in income, along with what I was saving from my previous salary.

    @Missy Very true. I'm hoping the growth goes as planned for the company, as I fear being a Controller with no staff (glorified bookkeeper). This won't translate well to jobs where there is a team of a dozen or more with revenues in the hundreds of millions.

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