Which offer or not at all

  • Creator
  • #170866

    Currently working for a financial institution for 10+ years but getting no where plus my boss is not CPA. I passed CPA exam last year, been looking to change job. Now I have some options:

    1. small CPA firms, money and benefit is not good, but could have a chance get certified.

    2. private start up LLC(trading co), money and benefit is not so good plus will be long commute, but would have a chance to do it all for the whole accouting founction for the company, also in a city would have more job opportunites. But would this be too risky since it is new company?

    3. Stay where I am, waiting for next better one

    Which one I should choose?

    Thanks in advance for your inputs!

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  • Author
  • #344083

    I am guessing from your post that either you wrote it on a mobile device, or that English is not your first language. The first thing I would say is write a cover letter and resume, then ask a friend (or maybe a former English professor or someone from the career center at your alma mater) to go over it with you to make sure your spelling and grammar is all correct. Secondly, are these offers that you have in hand, or are you thinking of applying for these jobs?

    As far as salary goes, it depends on where you are in life and what your needs are. Not necessarily your desires, but your true needs – housing, car, gas money, food, utilities, student loans (if applicable) and a little spending money left over. Are you single and able to “rough it” for a time, or do you have a family you're supporting? Without knowing a bit more about your situation, it's difficult to give solid advice.

    ~ Kate... MTX!
    CPA exam on hold while I homeschool my 6 year old!

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