Which is the best RSM, GT, or BDO? - Page 2

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  • #1591343

    Out of the top mid-tier firms, which is the best? Or which would you prefer to work for and why?

    RSM, Grant Thornton, BDO?

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  • #1591635

    It is obviously a great firm to be one of the largest in the world that attracts a lot of top talent and clients.

    The question is what sets each of these companies apart based on your experience, inside information, or research? …(which some have appropriately responded…others have not…)

    Obviously Big 4 you will work with larger companies, have more SEC clients, and will have greater opportunities. But the question wasn't “Which firm should I work for?” It was “Which of the top mid-tier firms is the best?”

    Then someone mentioned the technology sucks at mid-tier, so I responded by questioning what specifically about the technology sucks and that regardless I probably wouldn't find it to be a big deal. No answer.

    So yea, sorry for the confusion… I didn't realize accountants had so much trouble with reading comprehension 😉


    go big 4, definitely a better resume item to have than either of those other firms you listed. And quit being such a wet blanket all the time brickell. People are giving you advice sheesh. Take it or leave it but dont be such an a hole. FYI people posting here are giving advice to the entire forum with their post, did you ever think of that or are you too self centered?


    Am I being an “a hole” or are others just being sensitive and illiterate? Perspective is everything 😉


    Can only speak from my minimal amount of experience, but I'm happy with my experience at GT thus far. I've had a few internships with them, starting full-time soon. My accepted offer was a little higher than some people I know at big 4 and most people seem to know the name, although the name brand is obviously still not as big as Big 4 although they seem to be growing a lot and you see more GT ads and baseball stadiums and stuff.

    Culture has been cool, everyone's been friendly from staff to partners and make an effort to know you and take you to lunch and help you out and whatnot. I know I haven't started full time yet but if you combine my internships (3) I've spent about 12 months working at the firm and I'm happy with it. Can't really speak much on other firms though, I've done some recruiting with big 4 otherwise but was happiest with GT.

    BEC- August 31


    2 things

    1. You are not going to get a good answer on here. Everybody who works for big 4/has worked for big 4 will tell you to go big 4. Everybody who works for GT/ has worked for GT will tell you to go GT unless they had a bad experience. In reality they are all pretty similar and you will be doing almost the exact same thing no matter where you go assuming you would take the same position.

    2. Every company differs by city. For example BDO Chicago probably has a totally different culture than BDO New York. You really just have to decide for yourself based on who you have met at each company in the city you want to work in.


    I agree 100% with that. It also has a lot to do with what industry you want to pursue. Some offices may be construction, real estate, financial services/private equity, energy, government, manufacturing, or technology focused, etc.

    I was just hoping to get some inside information I suppose, tips on certain aspects that may not be readily available on their corresponding websites or easily googled online.

    For example, one company might have a certain program that provides a great training opportunity as opposed to another company. Or one company might offer a certain benefit that the others might not.


    Money sucks across the table in public big four included. From staff to SM,everyone is taking it up the bum. That being said, some people may be happy making what they do in public and working long hours, it's all perspective. There is only so much you can charge for tax compliance and audit work. Your not generating revenue or making money for clients so everything is super fee sensitive (less so at big four as they can pretty much pick and choose their clients but even still they can't charge anything crazy otherwise clients would split). Advisory is a bit of a wildcard, as their fees can be pretty good. Point being, lowish fees means less salaries across the board. Public accounting isn't finance or anything like that. Low wages for the hours you work up until partner and by then your burnt out and resentful. That's if you make partner. If I sound bitter it's because I am.


    I have zero work experience but I can say that out of all the firms I met with I found RSM to have a stellar culture, was the reason I was so drawn to them. Just felt like I found the right group of people I'd want to spend my time with. Like I said though, don't start until fall so can't speak for sure on what it's like to actually work there.

    I have to add, Shawn in VA, IDK if I've ever seen one post from you on this website that isn't bitter/pessimistic/negative. I'm not trying to be a jerk man but maybe change your attitude and how you see life and you might find more success in it, including with these exams. Negativity and can literally shorten your life, consider changing perspectives and finding the silver linings. Just some advice from one person to another but to each their own


    Shawn won't have to worry about work once the payout from his class action lawsuit against the AICPA comes around lmao


    I worked at RSM for a year and a half and ended up being laid off after the last tax season. Regardless of your individual efforts, people at the top see you as nothing more than a number. The firm ended up cutting 10-15% of their staff at all levels due to slowdown in growth. The culture might be alright at the staff or senior level but is vicious at the partner level.

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