What to expect as a 1st year staff accountant

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  • #1573607

    Good Morning,

    I just graduated in May with a BBA in Accountancy and started a new job this month at a small local firm. I am planning on attempting the CPA exam this year. I have been at the job for 2 weeks and I have only done one tax return and one compilation. Is it normal to be this slow during June and July? They said I should ask for work if I have nothing to do but I’m afraid of pestering people for work. I’ve asked once and they had nothing for me to work on at the moment. I’ve been in the work force over a decade and held a number of office positions and I’ve never had to “ask” for work. I’m just wondering if this typical this time of year and if smaller firms don’t really have any kind of training program in place, how do I learn unless I pester seniors or other colleagues all day about work and how they do their procedures. Do I just take it easy and start studying for the CPA?


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  • #1573615

    It is normal. I work at a small tax firm also. It gets rather dead during the summer. If i were you, I would start studying for the exam. It is a huge benefit being able to study 3-4 hours a day at work.



    I am in small company too and it's same here every summer. I think we are all still exhausted from tax season:) i use my slow time to study for CPA exams (with management permission). We also closed our office on Fridays, so we all have 3 day weekends 🙂


    I worked for a firm with about 50-75 accountants. July might pick up a bit since payroll returns are due, and many clients have quarterly compilations rather than monthly (from my experience). The first summer I worked as a staff accountant was still rather slow besides a ton of training, but after a few years, it will get kind of crazy.
    Does your firm have procedures written up? My firm basically had a procedure on everything except how to go to the bathroom, so if they have them, reading them could be something to keep you busy. Otherwise you can probably study for the CPA or look up webinars/seminars/other certifications (Quickbooks, etc.).


    As someone who owns a small firm, just to say that all of the above advice and information sounds dead on to me.

    Also, just want to underscore idea that now is the time to really focus on studying for exam…


    I've never worked at a firm where it was slow and I could sit around and just study. Consider yourself “privileged”.

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