What masters program would you do?

  • This topic has 24 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #1718789

    Let’s say you already have a bachelors in accounting (and also assume you already have 150 credits)

    And you HAVE to do a masters program.

    What would it be?

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  • #1718798

    I'm sort of thinking this through as well…

    Close to settling on a Masters of taxation. I think it gives you the most useful info…it can help in public or private. A Masters in accounting doesn't really do anything for you if you're already a CPA. Maybe if you're academic track?

    Something like public administration, or econ, if you've ever considered government could be useful. Something with a more information systems/tech focus would probably be VERY useful and valuable. My sister keeps pushing me towards this area, specifically data security.

    I could see an MBA because it's likely easier to get and maybe show value to people who don't know any better in private.


    Yeah I applied to MBA programs specialized in cybersecurity. But they are at a premium becuase of the demand. I can literally get a MBA in general for half the price of cybersecurity specialization. Or I wonder if I should just get a masters in cybersecurity for now and forget about MBA until in the future when I can get into a top mba program which a company would pay for, i don't know.


    If I had to go back to get my masters/150 credit hours it would be a Masters in Tax, but my work focus/practice area is Tax.
    Why do you HAVE to get a masters?


    Oh I need 150 credits. But I Just said “had to” just for the fun of the topic.


    Im from MA and I'm thinking of the Business Analytics Master program to get my 150 hours. It focuses on data science and supply chain management. 2 different tracks you can choose from.

    Study Material:
    BEC - FEB/2012
    AUD - FEB/2012
    FAR - JULY/2012
    REG - JULY/2012


    Honestly…I'd pay the extra and get the cyber security…I strongly suspect it's worth it. Cost and value are different…I would suggest a cyber security MBA has value than many MBAs don't.



    i was looking into that too, that sound very good.

    but i believe one can study programs (they use in school) and just put it on the resume. basically i feel you can master those tools on your own time. but either way, that's a very good call..

    Although I find it interesting there is a specialization in supply chain in the data science program – that sounds very niche..


    Being a Canadian, if I ever do a master degree,
    – I will first ask myself, why I need to get a master degree.
    – Do I need it for work, to get ahead, or for self-satisfaction?
    – How much does it cost to get one? Does it outweigh the benefits over the costs?
    – Do I have a solid foundation, Bachelor Degree (with high GPA) or CPA Designation, and/or meet other requirements to get into the master program.

    In the last few months, I have been looking around to get into a program that most employers are looking for. As 51 years old, I need a degree and/or program(s) that my future employers are looking for, and I can use it for myself, and my family members, and especially during my retirement.

    So far, these are the schools in my areas that have the great return on your investments:
    – UBC – Diploma in Accounting – Professional Program – (Need a Bachelor Degree to get in) -> Can be used for education requirement for CPA Canada / US CPA designations.
    – Douglas College (Two-year in-depth Finance Post-Baccalaureate Diploma program) – Can be used for education requirement for ACAF Canada / CFP, CFA designations worldwide.
    – UBC Master in Finance – is great if you're planning to do your Doctorate Degree (Ph.D.). The cost of the master program is affordable.
    – SFU Master in Finance – is great if you're planning to spend more time in the real investing arena. The cost of the master program is beyond my budget right now.

    Currently, I am still doing my US CPA exams. Also, I am enrolled at CPA Canada, if everything works out, I will be starting Core 1 in May 2018. Last but not least, also, if everything works out with Douglas College – Two-year in-depth Finance Post-Baccalaureate Diploma program, I will be starting in May 2018 as well, full-time.


    So I was looking at a local law school just for kicks.
    They offer dual degree programs by partnering with other local area schools.
    a JD/MBA dual degree program might be the best of both worlds.

    Downside, it is a 4 year program.


    I REALLY, REALLY want to do law school, but I can't justify it to myself 🙁


    Tuition of $45-55k a year. That's a hard nut to crack. And if you need to fund it through student loans… forget about it.
    I've got a distant relative that is a partner/tax attorney at some law firm in NYC.
    I'm sure he makes more than $1 mil a year.
    I'm too old to go through the junior lawyer grind.

    Also… he went to John Hopkins and then Cornell. so… there's that.
    Ivy league, niceeee.


    ^^^ Exactly…

    I'm 43 now…I'd finish at what? 47? I'd be out ^ 100k which doesn't even take into account the opportunity cost.

    The equation would be different if I were 22.

    Today I flirted a little with the academic path…I felt inspired by what Jeff posted.

    That post lists BA/Masters as qualifications. I don't have one…and my first reaction is that, of all institutions, the AICPA should understand CPA trumps a degree. Also noticed the director of the practice to academic program…of the AICPA…is, in fact, not a CPA. Mind blowing.

    So I spoke with a PHD in Accounting program today…

    Nope. Not interested…and he outright told me he values a masters over cpa certification because “anyone can get a good score on a test”. He didn't have CPA in his title of course…so I guess he couldn't. Uhhhh…a masters in accounting is something people do on the road to a CPA!

    Feeling discouraged and irritated. I bumped up against this with government…but when a director of the AICPA is doing it, gerrrrrr.


    The answer is to stop fighting a fight you can't win and get a damned masters. Probably in tax.


    CPA/JD = Set for life

    I just don't see a better combo. Talk about a gamble when it comes to so much debt. I just have no clue if it's even worth it if you don't go to a top school..unless you are just determined to be a lawyer.


    How far out of school are you? Do well on the LSAT and have a decent/good undergrad GPA and schools can be pretty generous with financial aid. Talking from experience of having a gf on her way to law school

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