What am I doing wrong?

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  • #179614

    I am hoping that some of you would know the answer to this. Because I sure don’t….

    It’s been about 2 months now but I applied to probably 20 different jobs. Ranging from Big 4 firms to private industries. I applied for several senior level positions but mainly experienced level positions and even down to entry level staff. But I am not getting any response. I was also referred for a position in big 4 and even the internal recruiter told me I have great experience, only downfall is I have no public accounting experience. But he went ahead and forwarded my résumé based on my experience. I emailed to follow up and he indicated he’s not getting any responses from the department manager.

    I have 4 years of tax experience plus about 2 years of co-op during college. I work for a regional bank doing taxes, mainly pass through entity type of taxes, non-corporate. My peers working in audit and tax all looked at my résumé and cover letter and all said looks great. I have external recruiters like head-hunter firms approaching me and telling me my résumé looks great.

    But somehow firms are not even biting. I have received a few rejection letters but some of them I’m not getting anything, no responses at all. If anyone have any advice please tell me, because I am simply lost on what to do. I do currently still work at the regional bank, but I want to leave before tax season hits again. I don’t really want to leave the company right in the middle of tax season. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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  • #431376

    Well I believe it's “slow season” for many CPA firms right now, things don't really pick up until just before November when the corporate tax extension deadline is. Many CPA firms will start recruiting in the fall for the next season so I would wait it out a bit…Also, I heard it helps to pass 2+ sections of the exam, or at least the parts that is in your specific field or the field that you want to get into. Good luck.

    *FIN!!!* It was a long 7 months!


    I'm in the same boat. I currently work in industry and keep applying to firms but don't hear anything except for the and on rejection here and there.


    @Lefthook Thanks for the advice. So would October be the best time to start looking and getting my name out there again for their fall recruiting?


    Yeah I'd say you can start attacking them a bit earlier like mid-September? That's the advice that I've been given. I'm kind of in the same boat as you, I just passed my final CPA exam last month but I'm lacking the experience that you have. I've been applying to many firms for about 1.5 weeks now with no luck except with BDO. I'm not getting movement on anything else really which is disappointing but I will keep trying.

    I have a feeling that non-campus recruits are kind of “locked out” of entry-level associate positions for the most part unless you have a direct connection with a recruiter…but you have good experience so I'm sure you will land a regular associate position(1-2 yrs exp.).

    *FIN!!!* It was a long 7 months!


    Another thing to look at is the salary requirements.

    If you have no public accounting experience, and if your salary requirements are higher than an intern, that could possibly be a reason?

    It is hiring season in September and October, so be sure to put fresh new resume during that time. Often times they forget about the resumes they have in their old files and only look at the new ones.

    AUD - Jan 9,13 Pass
    REG - Aug 30,13 Pass
    BEC - Oct 26,13 Pass
    FAR - Dec 4,13 Pass

    Licensed CPA in the state of Oregon


    @lefthook Keep trying, I'm sure you will hear something soon. Honestly I wish I would've gotten my CPA right after college. After reading and researching people who work in public especially for the big 4 often find themselves struggling to find time to study for the CPA because of their work hours. So having that out of the way gives you time to focus on your job. I work full time in the industry and work load is still crazy. After getting home from work and trying to study is painful, especially during tax season because I'm already so exhausted. So props and congrats to you for passing all the exams. It's an achievement and you should be proud!

    @jennifer241 I typically don't fill out the desired salary unless required. From the consensus I gathered through my research big 4 salary is typically set and non-negotiable. The salary variation is very little since each firm knows what the other firm is paying their people with similar experience. But my resume is ready to go whenever. I keep it handy in my phone, any job that I want to apply to I just need to change a few words on it and I will be able to submit it.


    try handin your resume in person to them, or sneak into some on campus recruiting events.

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