Valid Controller positions

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  • #1391534

    I’ve been in public accounting now for 5 years, three of which I was in tax and the later part in audit (mid-size and Big 4). I’ve also had my license for a couple of years now and I’ve decided it’s time for me to leave public accounting.

    I’m interested in landing a Controller/Assistant Controller position at a small company. How does one weed out the bogus job postings and focus on the legit ones? Do you think enlisting the services of a recruiter is worth it in this case?

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  • #1391813

    Generally the bogus ones are posted by recruiters. Its harder with small companies (usually with bigger companies if you cut and paste a few sentences from a listing into google you'll find it also posted on the companies website and can go from there) and chances are good you will run into some duds during your search.

    The two controller (ish) positions I've had with small companies were both listed only on craigslist. I know we don't generally think of craigslist as a reputable source of job leads but thats the budget smaller companies have unfortunately.

    Recruiters can be a mixed blessing. I had a bunch trying to send me to interview for 45k accounts payable jobs, nothing WRONG with those jobs except thas what I was doing 25 years ago LOL. Paid my dues already thanks. The recruiter who landed me here (boston area, if you're local I'll give you the name) I gave MY wish list to, salary, location, company size, and told him I was not negotiable or flexible on my wish list was all or nothing. He was AWESOME, said it would take a while and I'd have to be patient but he'd keep an eye out. Lo and behold I see my current position on craigslist and respond to the ad, which happened to have been placed by this recruiter and he said he hadn't connected this job with my wish list but agreed it was a perfect fit.

    The rest is history………….

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    Only look for postings by the actual company looking to fill the position…not postings by recruiting companies. They are usually easy to spot.

    I'd consider working with a recruiter since this is a management/director level role. These jobs don't grow on trees and a recruiter may assist with getting your foot in the door.

    Do you have any private accounting experience? Or are you only a public guy up until this point? That may or may not work in your favor. (The public experience will help but the lack of industry experience could be a hindrance).

    I've been reporting directly to the controller of my last two companies for the past 6-7 years so I have an idea of the background they usually look for in these positions.


    its a good point about industry experience and moreso about SPECIFIC industry experience. I remember having a great interview for a machine shop and the guy was just focused on the fact I'd never worked in accounting for a machine shop (made me wonder WHY he interviewed me but I digress) even though I had been an accounting manager for a similar sized business that built pc boards.

    However for my current position their first choice was someone more like you with strictly public experience, they extended that person an offer and the person had already accepted an offer elsewhere so I was the runner up.

    Its a weird dynamic interviewing for a controller position at a small company because sometimes you're interviewing with someone who knows everything about sheet metal and zip about accounting but has to replace the trusted controller who's been with him for 35 years, basically having NO idea what he's looking for, and other times you're interviewing with someone who does have accounting background and understands the benefits of hiring someone with audit experience. One place I intervieweed actually had their external cpa for tax purposes interview me on their behalf, and one place I was interviewed by a guy who'd done nothing but landscaping in his life…………

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    I do not have any private accounting experience.
    Hmmm so you say avoid job postings from recruiting companies but that I should also consider working with a recruiter. So avoid the Robert Half jobs but consider working with an actual recruiter.


    a lot of times the recruiter job postings just don't exist. They do create fictitious job postings to get the resumes coming in (not ALL of their postings are fictitious but there are some). You apply, get a call right away, THAT position “has already been filled” but we've got something perfect for you, why don't you come in and fill out a pile of paperwork and we'll tell you about it………

    Robert half, I don't particularly think of for senior level or management jobs. But google recruiters. The one I used is called Complete Staffing Solutions and they're much smaller but I was so happy with them that I've actually gone to them when I'm hiring.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    Definitely consider both options. Recruiters can help, but you'll have to gauge their trustworthiness. Otherwise, search companies directly.

    I have a question for all of you now:

    My end goal is to be a Controller. I'm currently a Senior Accountant for a well-known fitness company (prior to this, I was an AP Clerk and then became a Staff in a different industry), but I don't have any public experience. Should I go the public route after getting my CPA license? It'd be a pay cut since I'd have to go in entry-level, but I don't know if it's worth it career-wise to pickup that experience. I'm currently working under the Controller (CPA) who was previously an Audit Manager with a large regional firm, so I'm trying to learn things from him.

    If I continue to stay in industry, what kinds of things should I ask about or learn to make myself more valuable? I don't want to be stuck as a GL expert two years from now.


    @ CPYay: Seeing as though this will be my first attempt at leaving public accounting, I have yet to witness if the experience at a large regional and Big 4 firm actually pay off. People say it does, but I guess I'm going to find out soon enough. If you do decide to go into public I would make sure it was in audit. I think audit will give you a high-level perspective you are unable to get in your current position and will expose you to the things that actually matter to your boss's bosses and beyond.


    I've never worked in public and am basically the equivalent of a controller although my title is Finance/Admin/Office/HR Manager. I would say the lack of public was only an issue when I was applying to jobs in the mid-larger companies. Doesn't seem to have been much of a detriment. HOWEVER my position at the size company I work for pays what a senior accountant at a larger company would make. So if you'd be content to be a jack of all trades slightly under 6 figures after bonus its definitely not an issue.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    This is my point: If you don't want to work with a recruiter only apply directly to positions that are posted by the companies looking to fill them. These are your legit postings where you will actually get a call about the job that you applied for and not some other position that you are not interested in.

    However, for a controller position I would consider working with a recruiter because they might know of a position that is never going to be posted on a website like monster or career builder..

    Also, to the other poster who wants to stay in industry accounting: being a GL expert is a big chunk of what you need to be to make controller..


    NeedsA75 is correct. Some companies won't post certain positions on their career site because they don't want anyone and everyone applying. They'll give it to a recruiter to fill so they get pre-interviewed applicants.

    @cpa4birthday and @mla – I definitely prefer going the route mla went. I have kids and don't want to miss out on their youth by working tons of overtime and taking a step back in pay for the above average chance it'll benefit me.


    @NeedsA75: Thanks for clarifying

    @CPYay: I agree. In my opinion, a step into public is one to be thought about with great depth. I think we share similarities in our values.

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