Undergraduate grades - Page 2

  • Creator
  • #178815

    I am an accounting major. 2.95 GPA. I have 2 semesters left and if I get A’s I can get a 3.2 GPA.

    Can I please get some advice and tips from studying to time managing, so I can get all A’s. Is it possible?

    Please please don;t discourage me but give me guidance.

    Thank You

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  • Author
  • #427161

    How big of a town is the college in? Your professors are your best bet for finding an internship, and then if it's a small area, visiting the local accounting firms and/or sending letters. If you're in a big city, then you might find things online.

    You say you have been in school for your whole life. Do you mean preschool, elementary, highschool, and now a standard 4 or 5 years of college? Or do you mean you're far older than the average student and have been in college for a long time, and have never worked a job anywhere in your life? Not that either situation is necessarily better or worse, but would modify the advice I would give, since being above-college-age and never having worked (say, 30-35) is viewed different in the hiring world.

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